5 Reasons You Need to be Touched


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Have you ever been so busy that time flew? Sure, obligations were met: family fed, homework completed, and kids ferried around. Suddenly, you realize it’s been days (or weeks or months) since someone touched you, hugged you, held your hand.


Not being touched can leave a person feeling unmoored. Disconnected. While you may not recognize the lack of touching immediately, not being touched can negatively affect your mood, confidence, and — ultimately — your health.

So here are five reasons you need to be touched – STAT:

  1. Feel connected. When we are touched or touch others, we expand into feeling connected, literally and emotionally. A sense of connection can be felt energetically with even the most casual of touches.
  2. Bonding. I wrote last week about newborns being placed on their mother’s chests in order to facilitate bonding. Touch allows parents to bond with children and romantic partners to bond to each other. Relationships suffer when touching is a casualty of a busy lifestyle.
  3. Improves health. Regular touch has been shown to lower blood pressure. The great news is that even petting your puppy or stroking your cat will also suffice! Also, being hugged is a great reducer of anxious feelings.
  4. Improves your mood. Have you ever been in a grumpy mood only to have someone you care about fold you into a hug? Did their touch dissipate your bad feelings? Touch is one way people feel optimistic, less cynical, and grounded.
  5. It feels great. Can I get an “Amen?” Whether you’re getting a hug from you child, holding hands with your lover, or relaxing into a great massage, being touched feels wonderful.

Being touched is good for you and your loved ones! Make sure to include touch into your life daily.

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