5 Tips to Restore Balanced Harmony

Creating a balance of the body, mind, and spirit can be difficult if you are not mindfully aware of what is going on around you, the people who influence your energy field, and the way in which you deal with negativity as it arises.

Think about the different aspects of your life- home, work, family, and other relationships. From time-to-time have you found yourself in a rut? Do you ever feel like you are in a downward cycle? No matter how hard you try, you can’t pull yourself out of it?   

The energy we carry with us combines our past, our dominant thoughts, and our perception of the world around us. As you navigate your way through the world, remember that you have the power to change your personal energy and the energy in the space around you. (Hello, and welcome smudging!)

Over the past year, I have written several blogs giving examples of the causes of negative energy and solutions on how to guard yourself against it. Here is a collection of my favorites in one handy post to help you as you work toward removing negative energy from your life and restoring balanced harmony.    

1. The Gender Wars: How Men and Women Manage Energy Differently
In order to effectively manage negative energy, it is necessary to understand from where our energy comes, and how the sexes deal with it in different ways. How you deal with negative energy may not be the same as your partner, boss, or colleague. It is important to remember our energy comes from four wellsprings: body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Learn how to ensure your four wellsprings are in balance. Read more…

2. The Art of a Reiki Massage
Reiki is an ancient practice with incredible health benefits. It is a wonderful way to restore balance to the body’s energy level while increasing its self-healing ability. The positively charged energy from your therapist’s hands will transfer to your body, allowing the therapist to free unbalanced energy to flow within your body. Learn how Reiki will add a little zing to your massage experience. Read More…

3. How Playlists Will Improve Your Mindfulness
Sometimes we look to music to boost our energy level, get us psyched up for a fun night out, keep us motivated during a workout, calm heightened anxiety levels, or even soothe our interrupted sleep. Music has the ability to change the energy we possess when we mindfully focus on it. There are three perks for using music through mindful playlists and there are three playlists you should have on the ready for when life comes on a bit too strong. Read more…

4. Mastering Mindfulness
To achieve peace and joy within yourself you have to be mindful in your daily life, focusing on the positive and avoiding all the ways negative energy can creep into your psyche. This post gives you 10 actionable items to ensure you are staying focused and are aware of negative influences. Read More…

5. It’s a New Day, Stay Mindful ALL Year Long
Just because we are approaching May, doesn’t mean you can’t make a year-long commitment to focusing on a positive new you. You can take steps to combat negative energy, be present, and positively charged on a Wednesday in April, May, or October! Explore how to release negative energy, and how to find ways to release that negative energy in your life. Read More…

If you are looking for more ways to remove negative energy from your life and replace it with balanced harmony, contact us! Also, ask about which essential oils may help your specific needs.

Reduce Cellulite with One Unique Ingredient

Many women feel cursed by the little dimpled or bumpy spots that appear on their otherwise smooth skin. It can be a cause of frustration or embarrassment, particularly as we approach swimsuit season. Whether the BMI calculator puts you in the underweight, normal, or overweight category, you may not escape cellulite. Frustrating as it may be, there is a solution!

Understanding Cellulite
Cellulite is more common among women than men, and unfortunately, ladies, it only gets worse as we grow older. Why? Elasticity. Our skin changes as we age.  It is a complete myth that only overweight people have cellulite. The root cause of cellulite actually has to do with connective tissue beneath the skin. Inefficient lymphatic drainage systems or hormonal imbalances that cause fat cells to convert into cellulite can also play a role in those pesky pockets, or dips, in your skin. Take heart, you can confidently pass the buck on this one, in some instances.

Stating the Obvious
Like anything, there is no magic in a bottle that will completely rid your body of cellulite. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthful eating habits, regular exercise, and frequent self-care routines will help a great deal.

Cupping for the Win!
Massage has countless benefits for the entire body, mind, and spirit. It is known to move fluid throughout the body and help release stagnant toxins. It promotes relaxation and releases all the good feels of hormones like serotonin and dopamine. The movement of fluid will help break up the hardened connective tissue under your skin. Cupping is a form of non-invasive healing that captures tissue deep beneath the skin pulling it upward. It is a more concentrated therapy that will effectively drain toxins within the lymphatic system, preventing fluid retention, stimulating fat separation, and increasing the skin’s elasticity.

Give It to Me in Layman’s Terms
Think about it like this, cupping massage is similar to a deep tissue massage only in reverse. Instead of pushing down on the muscles, the therapist is pulling up. After the therapist warms up your muscles with a gentle massage oil, she will place the cups on your body. The cups will suck up a bit of your skin. Then she will drag the cups along your muscles which will help the detoxification process by pulling stagnant fluid out of your body. It will feel oh so good and relaxing. This movement will circulate your nutrient-rich blood throughout your body, increase elasticity, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Holla!

The Many Bennies
Aside from decreasing cellulite, cupping massage will also help your your skin look firmer and healthier. It is also known to reduce the scarring from acne and stretch marks. The biggest benefit is that the increase in blood flow and circulation will help to keep you energized so not only will you look healthier, you will feel it, too.     

If you have questions about cupping massage or want to book your appointment today, contact us!

5 Detox Methods to Boost Your Energy This Spring

Spring is a time of rebirth and reawakening. We notice birds building nests for their eggs to hatch, green stems begin to pop out of the ground, trees start to turn and become lusher. We hear the sound of lawn mowers in the distance and color sweeps back into our landscapes. It’s a refreshing time filled with hope. As you prepare to embrace this new season with open arms, be careful not to let lingering traces of winter steal your sunshine.

Try these five detox methods to boost your energy this spring and kick the effects of winter on your body and mind to the curb.

1. Smudging
Smudging is an ancient method, still used today, to get rid of the negative energy in a space. People take herbs, generally, sage, bundle it, then light it. Taking the smudge stick in your hand, you allow the smoke to greet the negative energy in the room and on the objects of the room cleansing and purifying the space. Smudging is also an excellent way to clear a room of mold, allergens, and pet dander that has gathered over time. You can smudge your home, office, car, or even yourself.

2. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to boost the energy of a room. Simply by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to a diffuser, you are able to change the dynamic of your space. Using citrus oils can be an uplifting way to embrace spring. Lime Essential Oil is associated with energy and named for the zest for life feeling. Tangerine Essential Oil is linked with joy and produces the feeling of cheerfulness. Lemon Essential Oil gives a sense of clarity and evokes focus.

3. Flushing Toxins
Our bodies naturally trap toxins. Physical touch, like massage, helps to release feel-good endorphins by promoting easier blood flow, which helps with lymphatic drainage. Know what else helps? Water. Drinking enough water each day will keep your body hydrated and healthy. A person who is dehydrated will feel fatigued and have low energy. By meeting the recommended daily intake of water, your body will experience a variety of health benefits and rid your body of toxins.

4. Exercise
During the winter months, some of us are a bit more sedentary than the other seasons of the year causing our energy to be stagnant. Now that the weather is nice, it is time to get outside and move that body to feel energized. Whether you are running down the city streets, walking around your neighborhood, playing catch with your kids, or preparing your flower beds for planting, your movement will awaken your spirit, body, and mind. Let the positive energy wash over you and soak it in.

5. Mediation
As the weather warms and you find yourself sitting outside among nature, take time to mindfully meditate on the positive things in your life. Focus on your surroundings. Rid your mind of any negative thoughts and clear a path for positive energy to take root.

For more ideas on how to boost your energy this spring, contact us.

Do Lunar Cycles and Trees Influence Us?

Where I live, in the mid-Atlantic, the winter months can sometimes feel particularly long and tedious, specifically the month of February where we don’t often see much snow, but still experience the cold. Instead our days are a bit gray, the trees have yet to bloom, and the grass is more brown than green. Clients confess they grow weary of the weather so, together, we find essential oils for them to try and look for ways to incorporate those oils into their daily life as they wait for the brighter, cheerier days of spring.

Although March was a wild weather month for us this year, spring is finally here! We tend to think of spring as a new beginning. It’s an awakening for both Mother Nature and for us. Our moods shift, our spirit becomes lighter, and we feel a boost of internal energy.

Measuring time by the seasons is something that dates back thousands of years. Ancient cultures recorded the passage of time through artwork and carvings on rocks and cave walls. The Celts, who viewed time as circular not linear, used a lunar tree calendar to measure time and provide insight into not only the truth of nature’s constant change but also how it affects those of us who inhabit the earth.

The study of astrology looks at specific moments in time and emphasizes the impact that it has on relationships. The Celtic’s observations of nature’s life cycle through lunar phases and the tree calendar also work together to teach us about relationships. Learning your tree sign will broaden your self-discovery and your outlook on relationships.

Right now we are in the Adler moon phase (March 18-April 14). This is a good time to make spiritual decisions and tap into your intuition. Be mindful of your surroundings. Take particular note of how the life of plants and trees are changing. On April 15 we will enter into the Willow moon phase (until May 12). This is a time most associated with healing and growth. During this month, allow yourself to awaken along with nature. Focus on the areas of your life that have been dormant and breathe new life into them just as Mother Nature is breathing new life to the trees and plants around us.

To go deeper into your self-awareness, create a diary that records the Celt’s monthly sacred tree, lunar phases, your observations of what is going on in nature around you, and your personal moods and feelings. Over time you will be able to see patterns in your mood and behavior as it relates to lunar positions. Once you are aware of specific patterns, you will be able to mindfully incorporate specific essential oils into your life to enhance the feelings you experience or to combat negative energy, creating a balanced harmony of mind, body, and spirit within yourself.

For help with finding the right essential oils for you during different lunar phases, contact us.