3 Ways Reiki Can Improve Your Massage

You probably know that massage loosens muscles, increases blood flow through the body, and has a wealth of other benefits to strengthen your general well-being. But did you know that when coupled with Reiki, a Japanese healing art, a great massage becomes extraordinary? Yep, that’s right. Reiki adds a little zing to your massage routine leaving you feeling positive, healthy, peaceful, and energized. Where do I sign up, right?

First Things First. What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a practice that promotes physical, emotional, and mental wellness. It is a non-invasive therapy that is used to restore balance to the body’s energy level while also increasing its self-healing ability.

What Happens During a Reiki Session?
Energy flows from the massage therapist’s hands to your body. The therapist will place their hands near you in a variety of positions and places for about 3-10 minutes. As the therapist goes over you, she will help to free unbalanced energy flow within your body.

Eyes forward because we’re about to blow the top off your experience of massage with just three ways that Reiki will make your next session the best yet.

1. A Deeper Mind-Body Experience
During a Reiki massage, both the client and therapist are focused on specific areas of the body that hold tension so it can be released. You will be invited to take deep, slow breaths and allow your mind to not only connect with your body but also to eventually let go and relax, allowing your mind to drift. With the help of your massage therapist, you will be able to relax and heal from within.

2. More Evident Emotional and Mental Changes
After a Reiki session, many people state that they feel the warmth of their therapist’s hands and that allows their body to feel a gentle release and ease. As they succumb to the relaxation of Reiki, they noticeably feel relief from stress and anxiety and are met with peace. This feeling is said to last longer after a massage session that incorporates Reiki than a normal session.

3. Muscular Tension and Pain Relief
Reiki is sometimes used as alternative medicine for people suffering from tension, illnesses, various diseases, and chronic pain. Reiki can focus on body pain or discomfort, yielding similar results, without the use of deep pressure or invasive techniques. As Reiki helps to harmonize the body, physical issues dissipate.

Additional Known Benefits of Reiki Include:
-lower heart rate;
-strengthened immune system; and
-lower blood pressure.

The beautiful takeaway of a Reiki massage is the effects of balancing energy, releasing tension, and experiencing deep relaxation. If you would like to schedule a Reiki massage or to learn more about it, contact us today!

9 Essential Oils Your Kitchen Needs Now

Source: AdobeStock

When people hear ‘essential oils’, they mostly think of aromatherapy, but these powerful tools have other uses, too. Skillful manipulation of essential oils for medicinal and cooking dates back thousands of years. Did you know that clary sage helps with hormonal shifts, peppermint oil increases immunity, and lemon can be used as an energizer in your daily life?

Knowing which essential oils are right for you can be overwhelming when you first begin, but don’t let that stop you from delving into these earthy ingredients! Essential oils are particularly important for people who are looking to aid their personal wellness journey in a natural and safe way.

When cooking with essential oils, there are two things to remember: dilute and delay.

Say what? Let’s break it down like this:

Essential oils are a highly concentrated substance and very powerful on their own. Depending on how you use them, they will need to be diluted with water (for diffusing), base oils (for cooking or massage), or into another liquid or cuisine when ingesting. As a guideline, a drop of essential oil replaces a teaspoon of powder. You should not require more than 1-2 drops of oil per recipe.

Something to note is that essential oils will lose their benefits when they are exposed to high heat. Because they are a liquid, they can also evaporate. Therefore, it is best, when cooking with essential oils, to wait until the end of the recipe (when heating) to add the drops.

Say It With Me: Not All EO’s Are Created Equally
Not all essential oils you find in stores are the highest and safest quality. Look on the label to see it it is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). Many oils you will see on the shelves are not organic and contain fillers in order to keep them at a certain price point. While it is not necessary to buy the most expensive brand on the shelf, it is important to make sure you get a good oil if you plan to ingest it. You might think pure essential oils are pricey upon initial purchase, but remember, they have a longer shelf life than plants and powders so they are more economical in the long run.

Now that you have the basics down, here’s a list of essential oils you need in your pantry pronto.

Anise *Note: anise has a strong licorice flavor and is not to be used daily.
Benefit: Aids digestion.
Try it in: cookies, marinades, soups, and ethnic recipes.

Benefit: Strong antioxidant that has digestive benefits and aids in nausea relief.
Try it in: desserts.

Benefit: Helps boost energy levels and is said to aid in weight loss.
Try it in: beverages, salad dressings, and dips.

Benefit: Antioxidant with digestive benefits.
Try it in: salad dressings, salsa, dips, and seafood cuisines.

Benefit: Antioxidant with digestive benefits.
Try it in: sauces and vegetables.

Benefit: Anti-inflammatory digestive aid that helps protect the stomach and nausea.
Try it in: marinades, sauces, drinks, and desserts.

Benefit: Digestive aid and antiviral.
Try it in: desserts, beverages, and breads.

Benefit: Aides respiratory and digestive problems.
Try it in: desserts and beverages.

Benefit: Immune stimulant that helps fight illnesses
Try it in: meats, soups, and stews.

To learn more about essential oils, and how to incorporate them into your daily life, contact us today!

5 Essential Oils to Combat The Solar Eclipse’s Negative Energy

Unless you’re living under a rock, you have heard about the upcoming solar eclipse which will take place on Monday, August 21. There’s lots of hype about how to properly view the eclipse (*hint: you need special glasses), and how to determine how much of the eclipse you will be able to see based on your location. There is more the story, however, that you may not have heard, yet.

What will happen during a total eclipse (and we’re not talking of the heart)? For starters, the sky will go dark for a few minutes during normal daytime hours,

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causing stars to appear, and the temperature will drop. It will be pretty amazing, even for those of us who won’t experience the total eclipse. 

What the newscasters and journalists aren’t chatting about, though,  is how the eclipse’s energy can negatively affect your personal energy. Who wants that? No one.

Wondering what you can do to combat the solar eclipse’s negative energy on your good fortune energies? We’ve compiled a list of five essential oils to keep you in balance.

1. Ylang Ylang
This powerhouse oil is extracted from flowers of the ylang-ylang tree. It has many health benefits, but is known for inducing feelings of hope and joy while also fighting depression. Because it is an antidepressant, it helps drive out anxiety, stress, and the feeling of sadness.

2. Rose
Rose oil is known for its emotional and psychological benefits. It will help ward off negative energy by fighting depression and anxiety. The aroma will improve your mood, keeping you energized and feeling happy. It’s also known to help boost your libido. (Just sayin’!)

3. Frankincense
This incredible oil is wonderful for relaxation. It gives you a feeling of peace and satisfaction while also lowering levels of stress, anger, and frustration. Frankincense fights feelings of anxiety with its therapeutic aroma and medicinal power.

4. Grapefruit
Grapefruit oil is refreshing for the body and mind. While it is rich in Vitamin C, which is used as an antioxidant, it is also a great stimulant. It replaces negative feelings of stress and anxiety with hope, and energy. It’s effects on hormones stimulates brain power. Sweet!

5. Vetiver
Vetiver is a well known sedative. It is used to help control emotional outbursts, nervousness, and restlessness. It also rejuvenates the body and calms the mind.

Source: AdobeStock

There are lots of ways to incorporate the power of essential oils into your life. You can use them while cooking, enjoying a luxurious bath, or while you watch tv. Whether you choose to diffuse the oils, add them to your favorite recipes, or drop them in your bath water, you can find an easy way to reap the many benefits they have.

Try This At Home

Looking for a little concoction to lift the negative energy from a room? Try diffusing our power combo: two drops each of Bergamot, Neroli, and Sweet Orange. You will love breathing in this lovely combination as it chases out negative energy.

Want more suggestions? Contact us today! We would love to help guide you as you determine which essential oils are best for you.

3 Reasons To Get a Post Workout Massage

Did you know that getting a massage after you have an intensely vigorous workout can actually enhance your recovery? It can. Let’s talk about why and how you can benefit from this new-found knowledge.

Muscle Power

When you exercise regularly, you put a strain on your muscles, ligaments, and tendons (particularly if you don’t stretch and drink plenty of fluids). Intense workouts cause tiny tears in your muscle fibers which cause inflammation. Ever notice how you are suddenly aware of every muscle in your body after a workout? This creates problems for those little fibers under your skin called fascia. Often, we hear people complain about their sore muscles after they push themselves to achieve desired results. While testing your personal limits is beneficial to a healthy workout routine, it needs to be done carefully to avoid serious injury.

Massage not only helps to work out the knots and kinks, but also flushes out toxins and gets the body’s blood flowing. This practice helps to restore your muscles back to their normal state and work smoothly again.


Muscle injury is common because of our sedentary lifestyles. We spend hours sitting at a desk and staring at computers five days a week. As a result, we aren’t as limber as say a toddler who never sits still. Our muscles naturally begin to stiffen as we get older if they are not stretched regularly. After working out, our muscles constrict and when not properly addressed, this tightening can lead to injury.

Another benefit for the post workout massage is pliability. Massage is a form of stretching, which helps to elongate muscles and return them to their original range of motion. Loose muscles are less likely to strain or sprain and will help to restore flexibility.

Achieving Balance

It’s no secret that massage helps to relax and calm the body and mind. It can be a helpful tool for anyone looking to maintain a well-rounded fitness regimen. It provides the opportunity to balance the happy endorphins released from a workout and cortisol reducer (or stress relief). When paired with the right essential oils, anyone can strike a perfect balance of exercise and self care.

Timing is Everything

Be strategic about the timing of your massage appointment. Ideally, it will be the time of day when you can unwind and allow your body to relax. If you are one of those people who feel invigorated by a massage and it helps jump start your day, be careful when working out soon after a massage session. The muscles your therapist just worked hard to relax could tighten during your workout creating the opposite desired outcome.

Talk to your massage therapist about your workout, the pains or discomfort you may be experiencing and ask what treatment they recommend.

Schedule your massage appointment today!

How Massage Aids In Grief Therapy

Source: Adobe Stock

Bereavement doesn’t know the time. In fact, it can intensify with each new season of the year. No one is exempt from dealing with grief. It hits us from all angles at any age or any stage of life. Grief does not look the same for everyone either.

Generally, we all go through the same stages of grief, but some of us are better at hiding it than others. People who do not allow themselves to properly grieve, and suppress their feelings may unknowingly find themselves in extreme physical and mental stress. For example, experts know that those who are grieving can experience fatigue, body aches, physical tension, loss of appetite, and bouts of sleeplessness, to name a few.

We also know that bereavement affects us in four ways:

1. mentally,
2. physically,
3. emotionally, and
4. socially.

When one of these areas is askew, there is an increased need to create harmony within the body, mind, and soul. Massage is an excellent way to aid in the healing of a hurting heart. Why? Because when stimulated by massage, the touch receptors in our bodies, will decrease cortisol and increase levels of both serotonin and dopamine, helping to balance mood, regain focus, and feel good overall.

Massage can help to:

  • Loosen tight muscles,
  • Improve overall mental state and well-being,
  • Boost energy level,
  • Provide relief from tension headaches,
  • Improve circulation and breathing, and
  • Aid poor sleep.

“When you treat the entire body, you will improve the ability to manage grief and you will be able to move through the stages of grief more effectively,” said Carrie Fuhrer, LPC, NCC, Outpatient Therapist at Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center.

Five common reasons for feelings of grief and depression include:

  • Loss of a loved one,
  • Loss of a pet,
  • Ending of a marriage,
  • Loss of a job, and/or an
  • Illness diagnosis. 

Massage is much more than just a way to relax. It has many therapeutic benefits, for anyone dealing with physical or cognitive stress. If you or someone you know is suffering from grief and would like to experience the benefits of grief therapy massage, contact us.

To ensure you receive the best care possible, talk with your massage therapist about what you are experiencing. At Miracles Massage, we customize every massage to meet our clients’ specific needs. Knowing a little about your situation will help us to know what areas of your body on which to focus, what essential oils might best soothe you, and how we can best serve your needs.

Schedule your massage today!