The Gender Wars: How to Effectively Manage Energy

The average family life includes two working partners juggling workplace demands with household chores, homework management, shuffling sports schedules, and oh, yeah, working on the important relationships in our lives. What’s the problem?

These long hours and the daily stress of it all takes a toll on our bodies if we are not mindful in our approach of balancing the components to our day. Men and women alike feel negative energy, but how they experience it is completely different.

By being more mindful in your approach to negative energy, you can not only karate chop it right out of your way, but also gain valuable insight into what is happening in your partner’s world.

So what do we know?

Ladies, First

  • For most women, the worst stress they experience is a threat to their relationships.
  • Women tend to put themselves last by sacrificing their own needs for that of others.
  • When seeking comfort, women lower their anxiety levels by talking out their problems and frustrations.
  • Women have a stronger sense of empathy. They try to better understand another person’s perspective when facing conflict.

The Gents

  • Men take a more fight or flight approach to stress and negative energy.
  • Fellas tend to seek escape to get away from their stressors.
  • Many men are highly competitive, by nature, so they may opt for a quick pickup game to work out their frustrations and boost their self-esteem.

What’s This About Energy?

Energy comes from four wellsprings within the human body.

1. Body
This is your physical energy.
*Poor sleeping habits, inadequate nutrition, and lack of exercise are a few reasons your bodily energy gets out of alignment.

2. Emotions
This is how you experience life and relate to others using your five senses.

3. Mind
This is the difference between confusion and understanding. Your mental energy focuses on thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and values. It’s how you process and reason.

4. Spirit
This is how you determine your sense of being and belonging.

Put Them Together

Think about the four aspects of energy in relation to yourself. Which area have you developed well and what needs improvement? How might you make an adjustment to get your four wellsprings back in balance?

Next, look at your partner and make the same assessment. Knowing how the opposite sex handles stress may give you a little insight into taking steps to mindfully engage with them as you work together to manage negative energy.

Here are three suggestions to avoid energy-depleting behaviors.

1. Set boundaries
When faced with negative energy, pay special attention to how it affects you. Set up boundaries that make you feel comfortable and be sure to respect them. It’s easy to make exceptions and bend a little, but not if it is going to negatively impact your personal balance.

2. Don’t overanalyze
You might try to make sense of a situation or a conversation when nothing fruitful will come of it. Don’t allow yourself to get emotionally wrecked when it is simply a difference of gender behavior.

3. Choose your battles
There are times you will simply have to walk away and realize the person of the opposite sex is handling their negative energy as best they can. You must not allow it to disrupt yours, but by being mindful, you could help them achieve their harmony.

For more suggestions on how to achieve balance or to learn how you may incorporate aromatherapy in your energy management, contact us!

10 Secrets of Mastering Mindfulness Exposed

The goal of being mindful is to achieve peace and joy within yourself. How might you obtain this calm and clear state of mind? We’ve come up with a list of 10 actionable items that you can easily tackle in your everyday life.

Get these guys down, and you will be a master in mindfulness.

1. Intentionally Breathe
You might think this one should be labeled “mindfulness for dummies”, but many people take it for granted. You can do it anywhere at any time, but do you? Step One: breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Step Two: focus on your breathing and the calm rhythm of your chest rising and falling.

ProTip: For those of you who may be new to breathing exercises, one full minute of mindful breathing may seem like an hour. Start slowly by focusing your breathing for a minute or two and work your way up.

2. Monitor Daily Media Diets
Be conscious of what you see and hear. It might seem harmless, at first, but negativity has a way of creeping into our unsuspecting psyches. If you are not mindful, those guilty-pleasure television shows could impact your outlook.

3. Keenly Observe
Take time to actually notice the world around you. Really. Go outside and take a look. Notice the flowers, the squirrels chasing each other around a tree. Take a few moments to watch children engaged in their imaginative play as tree stumps become castles and sticks become mighty swords. Feel your body physically relax as you watch your surroundings.

4. Actively Listen
Close your eye so you mindfully rely on your hearing to tell you what is going on around you. Listen to leaves rustling in the wind, jets flying overhead, cars zooming by, birds singing a morning tune. When you are in conversation with others, don’t be tempted to think about your next response, but rather linger in what they are saying to you.

5. Turn Off Autopilot
As you go through your day, it is easy to breeze through mundane tasks to check off lists as quickly as possible. Experience the moment you are in… Right. This. Second. How do you feel? What do you see, hear, smell, taste? Be present in the moment and relish this exact time in your life. Be aware of every movement.

6. Attempt to Unitask
Let’s face it, multitasking is all the rage (and has been for a very long time), but it can be overrated. Who can fully experience life when they are juggling 15 plates in the air? Did you know that it takes 50% longer to accomplish a task when you are interrupted? Yup. Focus on one important thing at a time and mindfully engage with it.

7. Appreciate the Underappreciated
Show your appreciation generously to the little things in your life that you might otherwise gloss over. Think about all the elements needed to complete a simple task. We live in a very privileged society. Take a few moments to think about how the seemingly insignificant things in your day are actually game changers- like electricity, running water, and the internet.

8. Drop Calls/Smartphones
Technology has reshaped the way we communicate. There’s no doubt about it, it has incredible benefits. The downside, however, is that personal relationships can be negatively impacted, particularly when families are too busy looking down at smartphones to look into the eyes of loved ones. Set parameters around your viewing time so you have plenty of time to connect with your special people.

9. Seek Adventure
When people let go of what is comfortable they experience a form of fear. This emotion awakens a new sense within requiring a new mental balance. This form of fear heightens your conscious state of awareness forcing you to be mindful. Try it.

10. Have Fun
Think about the last time you laughed. Can you remember what amused you? Laughing helps the body relax and cope with the ups and downs of life. Enjoy the sound of your own laughter and gravitate to people, music, and media that makes you forget the troubles you face.

Looking for more ways to approach life mindfully? Contact us for extra tips and tricks that will help you achieve harmony.

Combat Energy Shifts of the Autumnal Equinox With 6 Essential Oils

Source: Adobe Stock

It is hard to believe that we have quickly moved from the sultry days of summer to the crisp, pumpkin-spice everything days of fall. Halloween costumes and decorations of brown, red, orange, and yellow replace tiki torches, solar lights, and charcoal on the shelves of our favorite stores. The turn of the season is upon us. Are you ready for not only the change in temperature but also the change in the atmosphere’s energy?

The Autumnal Equinox, this year, falls on Friday, September 22. What’s its significance, you ask? An equinox is when the sun shines directly on the equator so the length of the day is roughly equal to that of night. From that day until the winter solstice in December, the days get shorter. While the equinox is a balance of day and night, both in the fall and in the spring, it is a time when energy can negatively impact your personal balance, if you are not mindful to correct it.

As the days grow shorter, one’s body naturally goes into hibernation mode. With the dark approaching as most of us get out of work, we find ourselves wanting the comfort of our warm and cozy beds much earlier than in the spring and summer months. The fight to balance daytime and nighttime activities can result in stress, anxiety, confusion, and lethargy. That is why it is important to be mindful and create a healthy balance for your mind and body so you can kick negative energy to the curb. You can unlock your emotions and elevate your mind while restoring your body to its balanced and relaxed state with these six essential oils.

6 Essential Oils to Keep You in Balance

Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil is a powerful antidepressant. It helps fight physiological distress symptoms like fatigue, extreme worry, and depression. Its properties are used to replace those negative energies with the feelings of joy, relaxation, and stimulation.

Frankincense Oil
This incredible oil is used to protect and heal the body. It helps one feel connected and achieve mental peace. Additionally, it helps ward off feelings of grief, stress, and anxiety.

Lemon Oil
Lemon Oil, like many other citrus oils, is uplifting and energizing. It is known for changing the energy in the room by providing freshness.

Patchouli Oil
This is an oil that can help relieve feelings of emptiness that people who are emotionally disconnected feel. When used in aromatherapy, Patchouli Oil is a wonderful mood changer. It helps to fight depression, boost energy levels, and even stimulate sexual drive.

Sandalwood Oil
If you are looking for a boost, Sandalwood Oil is great for finding personal balance. It helps with centering and finding mental clarity.

Rose Oil
You can think of rose oil as your own little love potion. Its chief job is to boost the feelings of love, kindness, and compassion. Not only is it an antidepressant, it also helps with sensitive skin issues.

During the time around the Autumnal Equinox, it is important to maintain your personal tranquility. Whether you choose to do that through massage, aromatherapy, mindfulness, or in some other way, be gentle with yourself.

There’s only one you! For more tips, suggestions, or to schedule a healing massage, contact us, today!

The Secret to Mindfulness for the Holidays

Source: Adobe Stock

As the holidays approach, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement and overwhelm. We tend to place very high expectations on holidays and vacations. It’s supposed to be a time for rest, relaxation, and connectedness. However, for many, it causes pain, drama, and resentment. Don’t fall victim to this common problem, instead, make the holidays enjoyable and stress-free.

Are you someone who experiences a holiday burn out rather than the refreshed, reinvigorated, and rebalanced state of being you were striving to achieve? (Shock Alert: We all do it sometimes!) It is time to reveal the secret to living a pleasant, joyful, and present life with just six easy and totally manageable tips. Stick with us, and you’ll be achieving the bliss of mindfulness that you long to obtain this holiday season- and beyond.

1. Have Meaningful Conversations
Fight the natural urge to speak about yourself, what is going on in your world, your likes, dislikes, political views, you get the idea. Many of us can be a bit narcissistic, at times. As we try harder to be more mindful, it is important to truly listen to what others are telling us. We can do this by avoiding our tendencies to interrupt, interject, and even overshadow our loved ones’ experiences. Listen to what they have to say instead of allowing your mind to wander with your next response. You will feel calmer and they will feel valued.

2. Dwell on the Positive

Source: Adobe Stock

Reflect on all of the positive things in your life. Practice by closing your eyes and making a mental list of everything in your life that makes you happy. Think about the people, opportunities, and gifts for which you are grateful. If you are a person who needs to see it to believe it, challenge yourself to a game of #100happydays. Post a photo on Facebook, Instagram, or your favorite social media site to highlight one thing that makes you happy each day for 100 days. It makes for a hard argument when you are feeling blue and then look back at all the positive people, places, and things in your life.

3. Pay Full Attention to the Food
Holidays are filled with glorious food to delight our taste buds but sometimes we forget to fully enjoy them. It is very easy as we race from the homes of different relatives on opposite sides of the family to scarf down food without really experiencing it. Be mindful by paying close attention to your senses. Look at the food that has been prepared for you and take note of the way it looks, smells, feels, and tastes. You won’t be sorry!

4. Don’t Rehash Old Drama
It’s bad for your health to hold on to grudges. If you decided to forgive and move on, do it! Let go of your ill feelings and accept your family for who they are right now, not who they were back when. A costly mistake is blaming our friends and family for not showing up the way we want them to. There comes a point where you have to accept them for who they are. Namaste, people.

5. Be at Rest
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with getting a little shut eye. Power naps are proven to help recharge us physically, mentally, and emotionally. We all get grumpy when we are tired. The holidays bring a long list of preparations that can leave the best of us exhausted. We can tackle obstacles to our day with much more grace and dignity when we are rested. Additionally, you can practice mindfulness amidst the chaos. Take five minutes to sit down, close your eyes and listen to the mayhem around you. Listen for children giggling, dishes clanging in the kitchen, grandpa snoring as the ballgame is blaring on the television. These are the moments that you will want to remember.

6. Break out the Diffuser
Everyone benefits from a little aromatherapy. Find a scent that will create the atmosphere you want. Put it in a diffuser and let the essential oils do their job.

Not sure what essential oils would be best for your holiday? Contact us today and we will help you choose something that is right for you and your family.