Do Lunar Cycles and Trees Influence Us?

Where I live, in the mid-Atlantic, the winter months can sometimes feel particularly long and tedious, specifically the month of February where we don’t often see much snow, but still experience the cold. Instead our days are a bit gray, the trees have yet to bloom, and the grass is more brown than green. Clients confess they grow weary of the weather so, together, we find essential oils for them to try and look for ways to incorporate those oils into their daily life as they wait for the brighter, cheerier days of spring.

Although March was a wild weather month for us this year, spring is finally here! We tend to think of spring as a new beginning. It’s an awakening for both Mother Nature and for us. Our moods shift, our spirit becomes lighter, and we feel a boost of internal energy.

Measuring time by the seasons is something that dates back thousands of years. Ancient cultures recorded the passage of time through artwork and carvings on rocks and cave walls. The Celts, who viewed time as circular not linear, used a lunar tree calendar to measure time and provide insight into not only the truth of nature’s constant change but also how it affects those of us who inhabit the earth.

The study of astrology looks at specific moments in time and emphasizes the impact that it has on relationships. The Celtic’s observations of nature’s life cycle through lunar phases and the tree calendar also work together to teach us about relationships. Learning your tree sign will broaden your self-discovery and your outlook on relationships.

Right now we are in the Adler moon phase (March 18-April 14). This is a good time to make spiritual decisions and tap into your intuition. Be mindful of your surroundings. Take particular note of how the life of plants and trees are changing. On April 15 we will enter into the Willow moon phase (until May 12). This is a time most associated with healing and growth. During this month, allow yourself to awaken along with nature. Focus on the areas of your life that have been dormant and breathe new life into them just as Mother Nature is breathing new life to the trees and plants around us.

To go deeper into your self-awareness, create a diary that records the Celt’s monthly sacred tree, lunar phases, your observations of what is going on in nature around you, and your personal moods and feelings. Over time you will be able to see patterns in your mood and behavior as it relates to lunar positions. Once you are aware of specific patterns, you will be able to mindfully incorporate specific essential oils into your life to enhance the feelings you experience or to combat negative energy, creating a balanced harmony of mind, body, and spirit within yourself.

For help with finding the right essential oils for you during different lunar phases, contact us.