The #1 Reason Relaxation Needs to be a Priority for Parents

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The jury is in. Research proves that moms aren’t the only ones having a hard time striking the perfect work-life balance. Modern dads are increasingly skipping Z’s at night, regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and much-needed relaxation time. As a result, both parents are feeling stressed and burned out.

A recent Stress in America survey showed the biggest stress triggers for adults are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities, and health. With the increase of both parents working outside of the home, both mom and dad are likely to feel the negative impact of stress on their bodies like:

  • being distracted rather than mentally present in conversations;
  • irritable or angry;
  • depressed;
  • having a lack of interest and motivation;
  • fatigue;
  • and insomnia.

Furthermore, people who experience chronic stress are at risk for long-term repercussions.

Many parents today fall into the trap of thinking that they can’t afford to take time for themselves or they feel guilty if they do. It is difficult to excel in work and at home when you’re overworked. Moms and dads alike put everyone else first. Rather than allowing stress to take control, it’s time for parents to take back their health.

Strategies to prevent burnout include:

  1. Preventing mental overload by scheduling regular “me time”. This looks different for everyone. Maybe it is booking a massage, getting up early to exercise, settling down with a good book before bed, or taking a few minutes to do a 3 o’clock stretch. Whatever it takes!
  2. Replace anxiety with plausible solutions. Rather than lying awake at night thinking about all the things you want to accomplish, make a to-do list and tackle items one-by-one. (Don’t forget to be realistic about the items on your list and be gentle with yourself if you can’t accomplish them all.)
  3. Establish a regular routine to improve your health. If it is once a day, once a week, or once a month, find time to treat your body well. Figure out what works for you and make your health a priority.

We live in a society that demands us to give 100% of ourselves to everything and everyone. It’s simply not realistic and certainly not healthy. If parents don’t make time for themselves to unwind after a stressful day, they will surely experience burnout.

Don’t rely on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for a reason to pamper yourself. Moms and Dads work hard every day, not just one day out of a year. Make yourself a priority so you can easily handle life’s many hiccups without feeling overwhelmed.

Contact us today and we’ll find a massage routine that works for you so you can’t get back to being the relaxed parents, spouses, and employees you wish to be!