When Skin Protection Fails: How to Remedy the Dreaded ‘Burn

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The Summer Buzzkill

It never fails. As diligent as many of us are, the glorious summer sun can sizzle our skin and leave behind pain and misery for a few days. Moms everywhere find themselves shouting after their children to remember their sunscreen. We talk endlessly about the importance of skin protection as we lather up wiggly bodies anxiously squirming away to perfect the best half dive/half belly-flop anyone has ever seen. However, between applications of lotion on our children and hurrying to catch a barely swimming child who insists on jumping into the deep end, we may forget to reapply our own sunscreen and get the dreaded ‘burn.

Massage or Not to Massage?

Each summer, therapists get a call that goes something like this, “Hi! I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow, but over the weekend I got kinda burnt. Should I still come in?” The answer is likely, “nope, let’s reschedule”.

As a general rule of thumb, massage and sunburns do not go well together. If your burn is localized, meaning it is only on the back of your neck, or only on your chest, your therapist can work on the other parts of your body and avoid the affected area. If, however, the majority of your body is sunburned you should reschedule your appointment for a time when your skin has healed.

But what if the sunburn doesn’t seem that bad? You know your body best, but remember that your skin is sensitive. Not only can sunburns be painful to the touch, the increased blood flow will make your already warm skin warmer, and it will likely increase your urge to itch.

Door #2

Instead of coming in for your regular appointment, you may consider asking your partner to ever-so-gently massage aloe vera or tree oil on your burn. Let these wonderful essential oils soak into your skin and begin the healing process.

Another great way to alleviate burns is to soak in an oatmeal bath. You may choose to make your own, or try an over-the-counter brand. Either way, your body will drink up this holistic self care approach to relieve the pain and itching associated with sunburns.

If baths really aren’t your thing and you aren’t confident your partner will gently apply the best essential oils for sunburn to your skin, you may opt for creating your own sunburn relief spray. It is easier than you think. Here’s a little concoction, you may wish to try.

Sunburn Relief Spray 

½ cup witch hazel or water
¼ cup coconut base oil
2 T aloe vera gel
10 drops pure lavender oil
10 drops pure peppermint oil

Combine all ingredients in your favorite spray bottle until well blended. Apply as needed.

If you find yourself with a little sunburn and would prefer to enjoy a massage when your skin is back to normal, don’t be afraid to reschedule your appointment. We want you to be comfortable, healthy, and relaxed.
