3 Playlists to Improve Your Mindfulness

Music is a well-loved expression of art. Artists capture the emotions we feel, going beyond words, and allowing vibrations, sounds, and the blending of instruments to guide us into an inspired world of our choosing. On any given day, we might look for music to boost our energy level, calm our heightened anxiety, or soothe our interrupted sleep.

When paired with mindfulness, music has three key perks: it elevates your mind, connects you with your inner peace, and improves your health. Music is a form of communication and a great resource for you to understand your inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Not to mention, it can be used as a tool to release the negative energy building within you.

When the demands of life come on a little too strong, use these 3 types of playlists to improve your mindfulness.

1. Restoration, Here I Come
We are busy people in need of a little slow down. Every yogi or spa enthusiast will tell you that music playing in the background is soft, peaceful, and relaxing. The gentle sounds of nature or synthetic blend of instruments is used to create a tranquil atmosphere. You can create the same blissful sounds wherever you are. Choose tracks that speak to your soul. Feel the vibrations. Focus on what you are hearing and block out the noise around you. Concentrate your thoughts. If you find yourself drifting, gently bring yourself back and be mindful of the restoration your body craves.  

Get Your Meredith Gray On
The on-screen doctor reminds us that there are times in life when nothing else can be done, you simply have to dance it out. Dance out your frustration, dance away your blues, dance for joy and happiness, and dance to celebrate. Not only is dancing an excellent form of exercise, it is also an incredible celebration of one’s self. Through dance, you can experience self-release, self-expression, and yes, a love of one’s own self. So find a batch of songs that brings you to your feet and don’t stop moving. Focus on the songs you choose. Music trips our memories so choose songs that won’t only make you shake your groove thing, but also take you to a happy place.

Sleepytown, Are You Out There?
Everyone wishes for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, there are a host of reasons why that doesn’t always happen in adulthood. However, science has proven that songs beginning with 60 bpm (that’s beats per minute) and slowing to 50bpm help listeners relax. Why? Because the beats per minute in the songs match our heart rate when we fall asleep. So, on the nights when your to-do list keeps growing at a rapid pace, or counting sheep doesn’t stop the worry and fear racing through your mind, turn on a playlist custom designed to send you to sleepytown. Focus on the music and not on all of your other worries.  

For more suggestions on how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, contact us!

10 Secrets of Mastering Mindfulness Exposed

The goal of being mindful is to achieve peace and joy within yourself. How might you obtain this calm and clear state of mind? We’ve come up with a list of 10 actionable items that you can easily tackle in your everyday life.

Get these guys down, and you will be a master in mindfulness.

1. Intentionally Breathe
You might think this one should be labeled “mindfulness for dummies”, but many people take it for granted. You can do it anywhere at any time, but do you? Step One: breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Step Two: focus on your breathing and the calm rhythm of your chest rising and falling.

ProTip: For those of you who may be new to breathing exercises, one full minute of mindful breathing may seem like an hour. Start slowly by focusing your breathing for a minute or two and work your way up.

2. Monitor Daily Media Diets
Be conscious of what you see and hear. It might seem harmless, at first, but negativity has a way of creeping into our unsuspecting psyches. If you are not mindful, those guilty-pleasure television shows could impact your outlook.

3. Keenly Observe
Take time to actually notice the world around you. Really. Go outside and take a look. Notice the flowers, the squirrels chasing each other around a tree. Take a few moments to watch children engaged in their imaginative play as tree stumps become castles and sticks become mighty swords. Feel your body physically relax as you watch your surroundings.

4. Actively Listen
Close your eye so you mindfully rely on your hearing to tell you what is going on around you. Listen to leaves rustling in the wind, jets flying overhead, cars zooming by, birds singing a morning tune. When you are in conversation with others, don’t be tempted to think about your next response, but rather linger in what they are saying to you.

5. Turn Off Autopilot
As you go through your day, it is easy to breeze through mundane tasks to check off lists as quickly as possible. Experience the moment you are in… Right. This. Second. How do you feel? What do you see, hear, smell, taste? Be present in the moment and relish this exact time in your life. Be aware of every movement.

6. Attempt to Unitask
Let’s face it, multitasking is all the rage (and has been for a very long time), but it can be overrated. Who can fully experience life when they are juggling 15 plates in the air? Did you know that it takes 50% longer to accomplish a task when you are interrupted? Yup. Focus on one important thing at a time and mindfully engage with it.

7. Appreciate the Underappreciated
Show your appreciation generously to the little things in your life that you might otherwise gloss over. Think about all the elements needed to complete a simple task. We live in a very privileged society. Take a few moments to think about how the seemingly insignificant things in your day are actually game changers- like electricity, running water, and the internet.

8. Drop Calls/Smartphones
Technology has reshaped the way we communicate. There’s no doubt about it, it has incredible benefits. The downside, however, is that personal relationships can be negatively impacted, particularly when families are too busy looking down at smartphones to look into the eyes of loved ones. Set parameters around your viewing time so you have plenty of time to connect with your special people.

9. Seek Adventure
When people let go of what is comfortable they experience a form of fear. This emotion awakens a new sense within requiring a new mental balance. This form of fear heightens your conscious state of awareness forcing you to be mindful. Try it.

10. Have Fun
Think about the last time you laughed. Can you remember what amused you? Laughing helps the body relax and cope with the ups and downs of life. Enjoy the sound of your own laughter and gravitate to people, music, and media that makes you forget the troubles you face.

Looking for more ways to approach life mindfully? Contact us for extra tips and tricks that will help you achieve harmony.