4 Types of People Who Benefit From Deep Tissue Massage

Under the umbrella of massage, there are a variety of techniques and styles that are used to help people feel great in their body. Massage is a holistic way to gaining better overall health, and finding relief from mental and physical pain. If you are new to massage, it can be difficult deciding which type like Swedish, cupping, or hot stone may benefit you the most. That’s why an expert therapist can help you determine what is best for you through an initial inventory of your needs, symptoms, and desired outcome.

Deep tissue massage is a special massage that laser focuses on specific issues within your body. It’s ideal for chronic aches and pains, muscle tightness, and injury rehabilitation. Let’s explore how it works and then who would benefit from a deep tissue massage.

The 411 on Deep Tissue Massage
First, let’s chat about the technique. Therapists use a lot of pressure in this massage to penetrate the muscle and tissue fiber deep down in your bod. They use their thumbs, knuckles, elbows, and forearms to release tension in your muscles and tissues. This promotes circulation, which will break up adhesions (aka knots). When circulation is constricted because of injury or strain, fluid becomes dormant or stagnant holding in toxins, causing pain and inflammation. Deep tissue massage will whack those knots, breaking them up and get things moving again allowing you to feel more at ease.

Who Benefits from Deep Tissue Massage?
The pressure of a deep tissue massage is not for everyone. If you are prone to blood clots, are currently in chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or have recently had surgery, talk to your therapist about other types of massage because this one isn’t the course of treatment you need now. Here are four types of people who would benefit from a deep tissue massage.

1. Athletes or Weekend Warriors
If you hit it a little too hard during your last workout or that over 30 softball league, you may have strained your hammies or glutes. This massage will help rehab your injuries and get you back at it.

2. The Sedentary Employee
Our bodies were not meant to sit in front of a computer for eight or more straight hours a day. This causes neck, shoulder, and back pain, among others. A deep tissue massage is perfect for getting your body realigned and releasing strain caused by repetitive action.

3. Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis Sufferers
Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis can take a toll on a person’s overall being. The pain and discomfort associated with these diseases can be crippling. Deep tissue massage is an incredible holistic way to manage, slow progression, and alleviate symptoms of these diseases.

4. Everyday Jane
Whether you were in a car accident and experienced whiplash, have issues with sciatica, threw your back out lifting a laundry basket, or zigged when you should have zagged, deep tissue massage is right for you. This is a massage used for therapy and rehabilitation rather than relaxation. It repairs damaged muscles and tissues no matter how you got them.

To learn more about how a deep tissue massage will benefit you, contact us, today!

3 Reasons You May Need a Hot Stone Massage

Do you love the results of a deep tissue massage but find the pressure to be a little too much for you? Good news! A hot stone massage uses techniques similar to Swedish massage (long strokes, kneading, and rolling) but allows the therapist to penetrate deep tissues by using the heat from stones rather than by additional pressure. Even better news, it has wonderful benefits for your whole body, mind, and spirit.  

Before we get into the benefits, let me explain how the process works, in case you are not at all familiar with this type of massage.

It is important to note that the stones used in this type of massage cannot be any old rock you find in your driveway or along the hiking trail. Basalt rocks, or volcanic rocks, are used for this type of massage because they have a high iron content, which allows them to retain heat well. The stones have been smoothed by riverbeds or seawater and are generally dark gray or black in color.

How it works:
Step One: Therapists warm stones either in water or in a professional warmer to ensure stones are at the proper heat level.

Step Two: Once heated, the stones will be placed on different parts of your body. As with any massage, placement varies depending on the desired outcome of the massage. Most often, though, the stones are placed on your back, abdomen, face, palms, and chest.

Step Three: The therapist will usually let the stones rest on your body for a short time to allow the heat to begin penetrating your skin. As the stones are working their magic, the therapist will start to warm up other places of your body like your arms and legs. Using their knowledge of anatomy, the therapist will guide the stones over your body with the aid of essential oils.

Now that you understand how the massage works, let’s briefly explore three reasons you may need a hot stone massage.

1. Relieves Pain
Hot stone massage is a wonderful treatment for people who suffer from diseases linked to the nervous or muscular system. People with autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis have reported that hot stone massages lessens their pain and improves their range of motion.

2. Decreases Muscle Tension
Therapists place stones on specific trigger points of the body. This technique penetrates the body’s tissue, allowing blood vessels to open and improve circulation. The increase in blood flow will help reduce inflammation, which causes uncomfortable and even painful tension in muscles.

3. Helps to Alleviate Chronic Stress and Anxiety
We all experience stress and while some stress is healthy, chronic stress can negatively impact your health resulting in a variety of health issues like cardiovascular events, overeating, insomnia, and anxiety. Hot stone massages will calm the mind while also increasing circulation and stimulating your metabolism.

For questions or to learn more about the benefits of hot stone massages, contact us!