The Scariest ‘M’ Word They Ever Heard

Alright, thrill seekers. Halloween is almost here. Wanna give some coworkers a real fright? Spook them with the scariest ’M’ word they ever heard: meditation.

Does it seem like when the word meditation comes up people stare, blink, and then quickly change the subject? That’s because a lot of people don’t know what mindful meditation really is. Are you one of them? No need to worry, Freddy, won’t be calling you.

To begin our little introductory course, let’s first chat about what mindful meditation is not. Raise your hand if you think it is letting your mind wander or emptying your mind. If your hand went in the air, you’re wrong! Mindfulness meditation is actually working to be present in your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings.

When attempting to be mindful, you can take back control of your busy brain. Implementing simple mindful meditation techniques will allow you to possess an awareness of your thoughts and refocus them as necessary.

Here are six, not so scary, tips to help you and your pals mindfully meditate.

1. Clear Your Schedule
One gigantic problem for many of us is time. It seems like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything on our to-do lists. Everyone needs a little ‘me’ time, right? If it seems overwhelming to take an hour or even 15 minutes to mindfully meditate, start small. Baby steps, friends. Start by focusing for 3-5 minutes. You can always go up from there.

2. Turn Off Your Electronics
Nothing ruins a good relaxing mindset like a ringing or dinging phone. Fight the urge to stay connected. Turn off your electronics for a short while. Let your body rejuvenate without the familiar notifications from Facebook or Twitter.

3. Find a Sacred Space
Location, location, location. Find a sacred space where you are comfortable, the lighting is right, the sounds are soothing, and you are free from annoyances like clutter and dust bunnies.

4. Nourish Your Bod
Before you set out to mindfully meditate. Make sure you remember to eat and drink something. It may only take a few seconds until you suddenly remember that you haven’t eaten recently or you are parched beyond belief. Next thing you know, 15 minutes have passed, you’re in the kitchen whipping up a snack, and the time you allotted for this exercise is about to lapse.

5. Find a Comfortable Position
Whether you are sitting in a cozy chair wrapped in a blanket or sprawled out on the floor, find a position that works for you so you limit the urge to find a more comfortable place.

6. Take Deep Breaths
When starting out, remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth in deep, slow breaths. Let your chest naturally rise and fall as you mindfully meditate.

Not so scary is it? The next time someone shrieks in horror at the word meditation, remember it isn’t something out of Stranger Things. Mindful meditation invites you to be more aware of your environment rather than switching to autopilot. You can take control of your thoughts and watch the world around you with a keen and observing eye.

Looking for more ways to mindfully meditate? We can help! Contact us today for suggestions to suit your personal needs.

10 Secrets of Mastering Mindfulness Exposed

The goal of being mindful is to achieve peace and joy within yourself. How might you obtain this calm and clear state of mind? We’ve come up with a list of 10 actionable items that you can easily tackle in your everyday life.

Get these guys down, and you will be a master in mindfulness.

1. Intentionally Breathe
You might think this one should be labeled “mindfulness for dummies”, but many people take it for granted. You can do it anywhere at any time, but do you? Step One: breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Step Two: focus on your breathing and the calm rhythm of your chest rising and falling.

ProTip: For those of you who may be new to breathing exercises, one full minute of mindful breathing may seem like an hour. Start slowly by focusing your breathing for a minute or two and work your way up.

2. Monitor Daily Media Diets
Be conscious of what you see and hear. It might seem harmless, at first, but negativity has a way of creeping into our unsuspecting psyches. If you are not mindful, those guilty-pleasure television shows could impact your outlook.

3. Keenly Observe
Take time to actually notice the world around you. Really. Go outside and take a look. Notice the flowers, the squirrels chasing each other around a tree. Take a few moments to watch children engaged in their imaginative play as tree stumps become castles and sticks become mighty swords. Feel your body physically relax as you watch your surroundings.

4. Actively Listen
Close your eye so you mindfully rely on your hearing to tell you what is going on around you. Listen to leaves rustling in the wind, jets flying overhead, cars zooming by, birds singing a morning tune. When you are in conversation with others, don’t be tempted to think about your next response, but rather linger in what they are saying to you.

5. Turn Off Autopilot
As you go through your day, it is easy to breeze through mundane tasks to check off lists as quickly as possible. Experience the moment you are in… Right. This. Second. How do you feel? What do you see, hear, smell, taste? Be present in the moment and relish this exact time in your life. Be aware of every movement.

6. Attempt to Unitask
Let’s face it, multitasking is all the rage (and has been for a very long time), but it can be overrated. Who can fully experience life when they are juggling 15 plates in the air? Did you know that it takes 50% longer to accomplish a task when you are interrupted? Yup. Focus on one important thing at a time and mindfully engage with it.

7. Appreciate the Underappreciated
Show your appreciation generously to the little things in your life that you might otherwise gloss over. Think about all the elements needed to complete a simple task. We live in a very privileged society. Take a few moments to think about how the seemingly insignificant things in your day are actually game changers- like electricity, running water, and the internet.

8. Drop Calls/Smartphones
Technology has reshaped the way we communicate. There’s no doubt about it, it has incredible benefits. The downside, however, is that personal relationships can be negatively impacted, particularly when families are too busy looking down at smartphones to look into the eyes of loved ones. Set parameters around your viewing time so you have plenty of time to connect with your special people.

9. Seek Adventure
When people let go of what is comfortable they experience a form of fear. This emotion awakens a new sense within requiring a new mental balance. This form of fear heightens your conscious state of awareness forcing you to be mindful. Try it.

10. Have Fun
Think about the last time you laughed. Can you remember what amused you? Laughing helps the body relax and cope with the ups and downs of life. Enjoy the sound of your own laughter and gravitate to people, music, and media that makes you forget the troubles you face.

Looking for more ways to approach life mindfully? Contact us for extra tips and tricks that will help you achieve harmony.