3 Ideas on How To Be Generous With Yourself

Busy people often put their self care last on their list of to-do items. It is something that can be viewed as a luxury, and only completed if all the other items are crossed off of their list. It comes as no surprise that entrepreneurs, business owners, and parents put in long hours, finding little time to care for themselves. Are you one of these people?

Remember, especially during the bustling holiday season, if you don’t take care of yourself properly, you are inviting illness, stress, and fatigue into your home. We’ve come up with three ideas on how to be generous with yourself to ensure you are operating at full capacity through the new year.

1. Soak in a Himalayan Salt Bath
Salt baths are excellent for helping to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss. Himalayan salt is known to help balance hormones, boost immunity, and regulate blood pressure.

Short on time? No problem, you don’t need to cram an appointment at the spa into your already packed schedule. You can experience all the benefits of a luxurious bath in the comforts of your own home. After you put the kids in bed, respond to emails, wrap presents, or prep for your morning meeting, draw yourself a bath and add Himalayan salt to it. Make sure to keep the water at body temperature to fully experience the work of the salts.

2. Mix it Up with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy uses concentrated essential oils in a variety of ways to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit while promoting health and providing balance. By knowing which essential oils to use and how to properly blend them, you can experience their healing properties to the fullest.

When putting the oils in a diffuser, you take in the aromas that send messages to your nervous system and the part of your brain that controls emotions. When mixing the concentrated essential oils with a base oil, you can apply them topically, allowing your skin to absorb them.

3. Experience a Massage
Whether you go to Miracles Massage to experience one of our custom designed massages, or have your partner give you a gentle rub down at home, treat yourself to the benefits of massage.

Need a little reminder on some of those incredible benefits? Massage is known to:

  • relieve pain and stress,
  • aid depression and anxiety,
  • boost immunity,
  • soothe migraines,
  • ease menstrual cramping and PMS, and
  • improve sleep.

It is very common, especially around the holidays, for people to focus on everyone and everything around them except for themselves. We are in a perpetual giving mode, yet we forget to give a little generosity, warmth, and kindness to ourselves. Don’t forget to give yourself the gift of relaxation and tranquility.    

For more ways on how to be generous with yourself or suggestions for aromatherapy that might be right for you, contact us today!

Holiday Self-Care: Giving Thanks For You

Give thanks.

Oh, the holidays! The air is crisp and smells of pumpkin, cinnamon, or peppermint greet us in the most unexpected places. Stores begin to transition before our eyes into beautiful shades of red and green with twinkling lights galore. It leaves us with a feeling of warmth, happiness, and sometimes, if we are not mindful, panic.  

The season of extra giving, spending, prepping, baking, wrapping, and indulging can lead to feeling overwhelmed, if you aren’t careful. Are you ready? Really ready? That is to say, in your already full life of work, housekeeping, taxi driving, activity attending, meal planning, caregiving, etc. are you mentally prepared for the extra work that comes with the holidays?

As grownups, we realize that the grand puppet master of the holiday extravaganza that our family enjoys is, often, us. Our normal lives require a great balancing act as projects pile up, calendars are packed with activities and inboxes remind us of upcoming or (gulp) overdue tasks. In everyday life, adding one or two more items to our to-do list could cause a little healthy stress. However, when we add in the sprinkle of holiday prep, and expectations, panic and overwhelm just might be sitting behind door number two, if we aren’t mentally prepared.

Here’s a list of Self-Care Dos and Don’ts This Holiday Season you must remember. Your mindset depends on it!

1. Skip meals or go on a junk food only diet – as tempting as it may be to swing by the drive-thru a few times a week, or to ignore your growling stomach, remember to nourish yourself with a healthful diet so you don’t end up getting sick.
2. Forgo the gym– when you are racing the clock, regular exercise is often the first thing to go. Remember when you work out, those happy serotonin endorphins release, giving you energy and making your outlook on life a little brighter.
3. Ditch your pals – when we can’t see past our own busyness, we may say no to a lunch invitation, a happy hour, or a gabfest. Remember, your pals know you best and make your heart light. They also may be able to offer advice or strategies for tackling the stressors you face.

1. Find time for yourself– although it may sound like a luxury you cannot afford, taking time to nourish your mind and body will help you to be more productive. In your over-packed schedule, carve out time to do something just for you and make it sacred. You work hard and deserve it!
2. Take a break– when we are overly stressed, our skills are not sharp, our focus is not clear, and our efforts are often counterproductive. Pay attention to the warning signs your body gives you. Take time for breaks to gain clarity and focus. There is a reason you are stressed. You do a lot, you don’t need to earn breaks, but you should thank yourself once in a while.
3. Breathe– simple breathing exercises make a huge impact on our psyche. You can do it anywhere at any time. It’s a guaranteed calming device.

For some, the idea of self-care seems indulgent. It’s a reward only to be cashed in on if they have made sacrifices, completed their list of to-do items, and the calendar says there is an opening. We say that’s crazy talk! Find something to help you care for yourself. There’s only one of you so be thankful to yourself for all that you accomplish daily. Take a walk, schedule a massage, do something wacky and fun. If you don’t, you risk falling victim to the dreaded holiday overwhelm instead of holiday joy.

We have an idea for you: opt-in to our #CyberWeek deal, which starts on Thanksgiving morning and ends at midnight on November 30.



Knockout Illness This Holiday with 5 Powerful Essential Oils

No one wants to be sick over the holidays. The busyness of everyday life and holiday prep can take a toll on our bodies if we are not mindful to take proper care of them. You can get sick in surprising ways. Don’t let the holiday hype affect your immune system.

Ward off illness this holiday with 5 powerful essential oils, and one knockout blend. Trust us, you’ll be thanking yourself in January for taking mindful measures to combat illness now.

1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is known for its versatility. It is great for headaches, indigestions, fever, and stomach issues. Add it to your tea, hot cocoa, or in baked goods for extra flavor.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon oil is popular for its medicinal uses. It can aid with colds, flu, and digestive problems. It is also rich with iron, calcium, and fiber. You can reap these incredible benefits through aromatherapy or by adding a few drops into your dish while fixing dinner.

3. Cloves Oil
Cloves oil is packed with vitamins A and C, as well as iron, sodium, and potassium. Along with being a natural aphrodisiac, therefore a stress reliever, clove oil is also a wonderful antioxidant and even helps with respiratory related issues like bronchitis, sinusitis, and sore throats.

4. Lemon Oil
Lemon oil is detoxifying. It promotes healing and energy through its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Drop a little lemon oil in your water and enjoy its taste or add it to your diffuser to boost your mental alertness.  

5. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is great to help you protect yourself against viral and bacterial infections. A lesser known benefit is its help with food poisoning. So if your coworker’s holiday potluck surprise gave you a surprise of your own, Oregano oil can help!

A Blending Must
Blending essential oils can create incredible benefits. This season, as you do your best to fight off infections, an incredible blend to try is Thieves Oil. Take a deep breath, if you could bottle Christmas, this would be it. The blend of cloves, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary oil will deliver the knockout punch you search for each cold and flu season.

Do It Yourself Lemon and Thieves Oil Sugar Scrub Recipe Ingredients:
1 small container
½ cup of white sugar
¼ cup of blending oil
15 drops of lemon essential oil
5 drops of Thieves essential oil

Mix to combine.

For more ideas on how to knockout illness with immune boosting essential oils, contact us!