One Simple Trick to Unlock Enhanced Massage Benefits

Are you ready to step into a holistic approach to heal and restore your body during and after massage? Good. Let’s get started on how to take action to enhance the incredible benefits your body will experience from your next massage.

In massage therapy, you have to trust both what medical science has proven (anatomy and physiology), as well as your personal intuition. When your body is fully relaxed, it will speak to you by revealing areas of pain or weakness. I’m not talking about that throbbing back pain or your aggravated chronic sports injury, I am talking about the pain and discomfort that lies deep within your tissues. It isn’t until the rest of your world is silenced that it begins to announce its presence and the subtle ways it has been negatively affecting your daily life.

The key ingredient you may be missing in your normal routine is a mindful massage. Employing this technique requires you to combine meditation, controlled breathing, and focused intentions during your massage. At the beginning of your massage, you should talk with your therapist about what your desired outcome is for this experience. Once you have settled on a clear vision, your therapist can begin her work and the rest is up to you.

What do I do?

1. Lose the Drama, Mama
The hardest part of succumbing to a mindful massage is disengaging from the thoughts that enter our minds. There is a misconception that during meditation your mind is supposed to go blank. Unless you fall into a deep sleep, thoughts will enter your mind during your massage. The trick is to not engage in them, allowing emotion to pull you in and distract you from staying in the present moment. Do your best to forget about the outside world containing carpools, college application deadlines, new drivers behind the wheel, or the business meeting when things went sideways.

2. Try and Try Again To Keep Your Focus
Keep focused on what is going on in the present moment. Pay attention to your therapist’s touch and how your sore or aching muscles respond to the knots that are slowing being released. If your therapist triggers a pain point, breathe through it rather than imagining you are somewhere else. Take deep intentional breaths as your body begins the self healing process from the stimulation of blood flow. Take heart, friend, your mind will wander, but gently remind yourself to regain your focus each time you catch yourself drifting.

You may be asking why it is helpful to mindfully meditate during your massage. By focusing your thoughts and intentions on your body during massage, you are working to treat your ‘whole person’ for the long haul, rather than simply troubleshooting your immediate discomfort. You may discover you hold tension in your shoulders, neck, or hips from lengthy computer work. By identifying the source of your tension, you will be more mindful of your posture or other ways you carry yourself during the day.

Knowledge is power, we can all agree, so be empowered by knowing what is causing your discomfort, pain, stress, or tension. For more tips and tricks on how to make the most of a mindful massage, contact us!

The Scariest ‘M’ Word They Ever Heard

Alright, thrill seekers. Halloween is almost here. Wanna give some coworkers a real fright? Spook them with the scariest ’M’ word they ever heard: meditation.

Does it seem like when the word meditation comes up people stare, blink, and then quickly change the subject? That’s because a lot of people don’t know what mindful meditation really is. Are you one of them? No need to worry, Freddy, won’t be calling you.

To begin our little introductory course, let’s first chat about what mindful meditation is not. Raise your hand if you think it is letting your mind wander or emptying your mind. If your hand went in the air, you’re wrong! Mindfulness meditation is actually working to be present in your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings.

When attempting to be mindful, you can take back control of your busy brain. Implementing simple mindful meditation techniques will allow you to possess an awareness of your thoughts and refocus them as necessary.

Here are six, not so scary, tips to help you and your pals mindfully meditate.

1. Clear Your Schedule
One gigantic problem for many of us is time. It seems like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything on our to-do lists. Everyone needs a little ‘me’ time, right? If it seems overwhelming to take an hour or even 15 minutes to mindfully meditate, start small. Baby steps, friends. Start by focusing for 3-5 minutes. You can always go up from there.

2. Turn Off Your Electronics
Nothing ruins a good relaxing mindset like a ringing or dinging phone. Fight the urge to stay connected. Turn off your electronics for a short while. Let your body rejuvenate without the familiar notifications from Facebook or Twitter.

3. Find a Sacred Space
Location, location, location. Find a sacred space where you are comfortable, the lighting is right, the sounds are soothing, and you are free from annoyances like clutter and dust bunnies.

4. Nourish Your Bod
Before you set out to mindfully meditate. Make sure you remember to eat and drink something. It may only take a few seconds until you suddenly remember that you haven’t eaten recently or you are parched beyond belief. Next thing you know, 15 minutes have passed, you’re in the kitchen whipping up a snack, and the time you allotted for this exercise is about to lapse.

5. Find a Comfortable Position
Whether you are sitting in a cozy chair wrapped in a blanket or sprawled out on the floor, find a position that works for you so you limit the urge to find a more comfortable place.

6. Take Deep Breaths
When starting out, remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth in deep, slow breaths. Let your chest naturally rise and fall as you mindfully meditate.

Not so scary is it? The next time someone shrieks in horror at the word meditation, remember it isn’t something out of Stranger Things. Mindful meditation invites you to be more aware of your environment rather than switching to autopilot. You can take control of your thoughts and watch the world around you with a keen and observing eye.

Looking for more ways to mindfully meditate? We can help! Contact us today for suggestions to suit your personal needs.