Attention: Everyday maintenance is not “me-time!”

Are you a parent? Can you remember back to the days where you enjoyed loads of free time, also known as “me-time?” Ah….the good ol’ days. (Don’t get me wrong — I love kids!)

But why is it that once we become parents, activities that used to be considered maintenance are now considered “me-time?” Activities like using the restroom — alone. Going to the hair salon. Cutting the lawn. Roaming the grocery store aisles, kidless.

Newsflash: These aren’t me-time!

Thankfully, there’s an antidote to me-time being swallowed by maintenance-time. It’s called self-care and it isn’t optional!

Imagine having a regularly scheduled appointment where someone massages all your cares — and hamstring knots — away. “What spilled milk? Whose toy? Stop fighting. I’m pooping.” gets replaced with the sound of silence (and your occasion moan as those knots meet their match on the massage table).

How would a regular massage positively impact the rest of your life? Are you ready to embrace some real me-time? We’re waiting for you.