The #1 Key Ingredient After Massage

Source: Adobe Stock

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Thanks, got it.

But do you really?

Massage therapists encourage their clients to drink plenty of water after a massage to rehydrate themselves. Ever wonder why? Is it just to prevent sore muscles? Because it’s a holistic approach to physical well-being? No, and yes.

We recommend drinking water after a massage because tight muscles (a common reason people see a massage therapist) constrict circulation, blocking metabolic waste. As muscles are kneaded and relaxed, fluid is able to flow through the circulatory system, traveling to your kidneys, awaiting release. (*hint: This is why you feel the sensation to urinate after a massage.)

Water makes up about 60% of your body weight. Knowing how much fluid to drink can be tricky as it varies per person. You know your body best. However, pay attention to the warning signs your body sends when it becomes dehydrated.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Dark colored urine

Also, make a note that while caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee do count toward your daily fluid intake, you must use caution because they are a mild diuretic. You may want to check out a health hydration guide for yourself. Also, be aware that because massage increases circulation, drinking alcohol soon after a session will have a stronger effect on your body.

Drinking water after a massage helps to flush waste products out of your body. If you don’t rehydrate yourself and the metabolic waste is not released properly, your muscles will likely stiffen and become sore.

We’ve heard a lot of people complain that they don’t drink water because it is tasteless. Boring. Bland. Well, put those thinking caps on, people. Open up your fridge and concoct a taste treat for yourself using your favorite flavors.

We’ll start you off with an easy recipe. Pinterest is loaded with suggestions for fruit-infused water combinations to help aid weight loss and immune support; you name it, it’s there awaiting your search.

Hydrate Me, Baby

Lemon, Cucumber, and Mint Infused Water
Ingredients: lemon, cucumber, a sprig of fresh mint, water

1. Slice fruit
2. Gently muddle ingredients together in the bottom of your container to release their juices
3. Add water to fill the container

That’s it! Drink up. For best results, let the water sit for a few hours so the ingredients can fully blend together.

Each session at Miracles Massage is adapted to meet your specific needs. Schedule your session today, and remember to drink lots of water this summer!