4 Essential Oils You Need to Control Holiday Weight Gain

This time of year it is hard to resist all the scrumptious happy hour appetizers, the bottomless cocktails, the carb and gluten-filled cookies, and all that comes with the holiday party extravaganzas that we love. Our normal conscientious approach to healthful eating gets pushed to the wayside as we indulge in all the seasonal treats offered to us.

The faster-than-normal pace we keep during the holiday season paired with the irregular eating habits can cause issues for your digestive tract, not to mention your waistline. As you slide through the holiday smorgasbord you need these four essential oils to help keep you on track and to control unwanted weight gain.    

1. Eucalyptus Oil
If you are an emotional eater, this is the oil for you. Eucalyptus Oil is a mood booster that will help to increase your energy level. For those of you whose holiday party schedule is making you tired and decreasing your desire for a workout, meet Eucalyptus Oil. You’re welcome.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon Oil is an antioxidant that helps your body from creating fat. This magical little gem keeps your sugar cravings in check by helping to control the release of blood sugar.

3. Fennel Oil
When you have overindulged and your gut needs a little relief, Fennel Oil is the way to go. It will help with bloating, gas, constipation, and all the fun stuff that goes along with an upset tummy. As an additional perk, it can boost your metabolism.

4. Peppermint Oil
If there is only one oil you try in hopes of controlling your weight, let this be the one. Peppermint Oil will help curb your appetite, improve digestion, reduce cravings, increase the feeling of fullness, and boost your energy level.

There is no easy way to lose weight without causing a bunch of health problems in the long run. However, incorporating essential oils into your daily routine can help your health overhaul. With the addition of essential oils, you can increase your mood, energy level, and metabolism this holiday season. You can also control cravings and improve your digestion.

If you have questions about which essential oils are right for you, contact us today and we will help guide you.