Why regular massage is best

Do you have those annoying knots in your neck?  A frequent pain in your lower back?  Tightness in your shoulders or hamstrings or wrists? Over time, this causes our muscles and/or fascia to be out of place, stretched out, pulled, or shortened.  This causes our muscles and/or fascia to get stuck or bunch up, causing what we call knots.

That’s because your muscles are bunched and scrunched up. In these modern times, we tend to sit for hours in front of our computers. Our necks are crooked as we stare into our cell phones.  We hold postures that are not ideal for our skeletal, muscular, or soft tissue structure.

How We Get Tied Into Knots

Over time, this causes our muscles and/or fascia to be out of place, stretched out, pulled, or shortened.  This causes our muscles and/or fascia to get stuck or bunch up, causing what we call knots.

Massage is not only a feel-good experience—although it really is amazing, right?—massage will also CORRECT our posture and over time diminish that everyday pain we endure

Reversing Poor Habits

If you get a massage once a year, it will be relaxing, but it can’t undo a lifetime of muscle tension. Typically, once every week or two is ideal for keeping your muscle tissue pliable and in good shape. If you are in chronic pain or have a special issue to address, you might benefit from a weekly massage (or even twice a week) until you feel better.

Once you’re feeling better, once a month is the recommended minimum for maintaining the health of your tissue. If you start stretching the massages out too far apart, then your muscles can revert to their old patterns, especially when you come under stress. If you wait too long, you’ll have to start all over again to restore their suppleness and pliancy.

Scheduling Regular Massages

MiraclePass is our monthly self-care routine which offers you a discounted price per session.  Every month, you’ll be delighted with a blissful massage, and at the same time, you will decrease stress, muscle tension, the everyday lower back pain you live with, and lower your blood pressure. Monthly massage will increase your feelings of well-being, promote relaxation, improve your posture, and increase your immunity.

Read more and grab your MiraclePass today.