Are you affected by SAD?

Seasonal affective disorder, commonly referred to as SAD, is a type of depression, according to the National Institute for Mental Health. It can occur in any season but is most common in the winter.

Symptoms of SAD

  • Low energy levels
  • Craving sleep
  • Overeating, especially carb loading
  • Weight gain
  • Hibernating or withdrawing from social invitations

Chemical impacts of SAD

It’s common for those who are impacted by SAD to have higher levels of serotonin and melatonin, both of which are naturally produced in the body. Also, SAD sufferers often have lower than normal levels of Vitamin D from the lack of exposure to sunlight.

Serotonin is a mood-regulating chemical and melatonin’s main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles.

Ways to Cope with SAD

  • Light lamp therapy. A specialized light box gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. Light therapy is thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep, easing SAD symptoms.
  • Vitamin D. During the winter months when sunlight is in shorter supply, take a Vitamin D supplement in addition to eating whole foods full which naturally contain vitamin D. Foods like salmon, tuna, cheeses, and eggs are high in this important vitamin.
  • Essential Oils. Diffuse a combination of sweet orange and peppermint or lavender to combat effects from SAD.
  • Massage. Massage therapy can counteract physiological mood factors that often accompany SAD, in part by regulating serotonin levels. Massage increases neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decreases hormones associated with increasing anxiety.

We can help!

If you or someone you know suffers from winter seasonal affective disorder, Miracles Massage can help alleviate the symptoms with a combination of massage and essential oil support. Schedule now.