Caring for your crystals

A sample of powerful crystals.

Because your crystals use the energy of intention and intention, they need to be re-energized and cleaned to maintain their efficacy. Cleaning is necessary because it’s imperative to remove any heavy or stale energy the crystal may have picked up in its environment, or from you. Justs like you wash your face to remove dirt and grime, you need to clean your crystals.

When you receive a new crystal, it’s important that you clean it before using it because you want it to attune to your energy and not those people who handled it before you owned it.

How are crystals cleaned?

Crystals that live on altars ought to be cleaned monthly. If you wear a crystal or meditate with a crystal daily, weekly cleaning is recommended.

  • Leave the crystals out in the moonlight or on your windowsill for the full moon. Lunar energy helps cleanse and charge the stones, and the moon’s light is brightest and energetically strongest during the full moon.
  • Bury them in the dirt for a week. Returning your crystals and stones to the earth allows them to cleanse and recharge with the vibration of the earth.
  • Burn sage and run the stone through the smoke because it is purifying.
  • Wash them in salt water. Salt purifies and absorbs negative energy. That said, not all crystals tolerate getting wet including amber, turquoise, moonstone, calcite, azurite, and selenite. (A good rule of thumb is that many stones ending in “ite” are not water-friendly.)
  • Rinse or bathe your crystals in rain-water, water from a spring, a stream, the beach, a river or sacred source, even in a waterfall (make sure you hold on to them, or they can get swept away). Dry them naturally in gentle sunlight.

How often do crystals need to be cleaned?

If someone touches your crystal—which you want to avoid—it needs to be cleaned immediately before you wear it or use it again. People sometimes touch your stones, as they are pretty or shiny. A crystal becomes personally attuned to you, and nobody else should put their vibration or energy on it. Look at it this way: Would you share a toothbrush?

Miracles Massage can help you select crystals and use them most effectively. Schedule now.