5 Things to Do After a Massage

You’ve invested time and treasure to receive a first-class massage. To keep the benefits flowing long after you’ve driven home, make sure to integrate these five things into your post-massage regimen:

Drink lots more water after a massage.

One: Do your homework.

We spent ninety minutes stretching and strengthening your muscles. Most of the time, I’ll suggest activities you can do at home to keep muscles feeling supple and loose (if I don’t, please ask me!). By doing your homework, you’ll maximize the benefits you enjoy while on my table.

Two: Keep moving.

I’m channeling the movie Madagascar and singing, “You’ve got to move it, move it.” Getting, and staying, active after your massage increases blood circulation, which we’ve supercharged during your massage. This means great outcomes for your body!

Three: Drink lots of water.

Enjoy extra ounces of H2O throughout the day after your massage. Increased water consumption helps rid your body of toxins and waste. Avoid sugary and caffeinate drinks, though, as these dehydrate your body. I read somewhere that it takes twenty ounces of water to replace the water you lose when you have just one cup of coffee. Also, do not drink alcohol after a massage.

Four: Notice changes within your body.

As you tune into your body through regular massage, you’ll notice how certain techniques impact you. Let me know what you experienced before your next massage so that I can tweak my techniques to maximize the positive impacts on your body.

Five: Be aware of physical and mental shifts.

Many of my clients report that after a massage they feel more alive, have increased clarity, and an overall feeling of wellness. Sometimes, moving the muscles releases deeply stored emotions. It’s just as important to allow space for what you feel and process it as it is to keep moving your body and consume copious quantities of water.

And Lastly

Book your next massage before leaving! Better still, purchase our MiraclePass, which gives you a nice discount and sets you up for a monthly massage–because you deserve it!