Best Tips from 2018

As 2018 winds down, I wanted to thank you for being part of the Miracles Massage family. Year-end is a wonderful time to reflect on what went well this year, so I thought I’d share a recap of favorite 2018 blog posts (you know, in case you missed them!).

What’s all the fuss about the dry brush?

Have you heard as I have the hubbub over dry brushing and why you will want to include it in your daily routine? You may be wondering, “What exactly is dry brushing? How does one dry brush?” Simply put, dry brushing is the juice cleanse of the beauty world. Read more.

Can massage help with depression?

It’s normal to feel down, or experience depression, once in a while. Typically, I feel down when it rains multiple days in a row or when I’m exhausted, or something bad happens to my loved ones. Read more.

Repairing your sun-damaged skin with essential oils.

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again. Read more.

The incredible benefits of frankincense.

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while? Read more.

Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different.

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful. Read more.

As always, feel free to reach out to me to schedule a massage or learn more about how we practice at Miracles Massage. Wishing miracles for you in 2019!

The Incredible Benefits of Frankincense

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while?

Frankincense is a dynamite stand-alone oil with many incredible benefits, which we’ll discuss. Additionally, because of its earthy aroma and versatility, it blends nicely with other oils to create the perfect combination to match your needs.

All the Right Moves
Frankincense has wonderful healing properties. It has been used medicinally since ancient times. For good reason, this guy has earned its rightful place in top ten lists of essential oils to always keep stocked in your home.  

A few medicinal benefits of Frankincense include:

  • Alleviating cold and flu symptoms,
  • Decreasing muscle and joint pain caused by inflammation,
  • Reducing symptoms caused by stress,
  • Improving digestive problems

When partnered with massage, Frankincense oil can improve circulation. As the blood begins to flow, your body will naturally rid itself of toxins, which can be stagnant and cause inflammation, leading to a host of other problems. Frankincense has anti-anxiety benefits, as well. For example, rubbing it (after it is diluted) on your temples can help to alleviate headaches, and inhaling it is said to reduce one’s blood pressure.

Your Beauty Aid in a Bottle
Have you had that experience when you look in the mirror and wonder how your once smooth, tight face suddenly appears a little looser with a few more wrinkles? Before you get too upset, try adding a little Frankincense oil to your favorite lotion and watch what happens.

Frankincense is a known skin care aid. It will help to:

  • Improve elasticity,
  • Reduce the appearance of acne,
  • Prevent wrinkles,
  • Improve the appearance of scars.  

Because Frankincense oil is an astringent, it will help to clear your skin while giving it a beautiful glow. It will lift and tighten all the right spots to help your skin look younger and healthier.

Whether you are looking to feel more relaxed or uplifted, Frankincense should be one of your go-to essential oils. If you need help blending oils or want to learn more about which oils to use for your need, contact us!