4 Ways to CBD Oil Could Help You

CBD oil is derived from the Hemp plant and is legal in all fifty states.

Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil, is the It-Medicine of the moment.

A few years ago, hardly anyone knew about CBD oil. Today, there’s a huge demand for it. Millions of people are taking CBD oil as a health supplement.

Here are four uses for CBD oil that may change your life:

Relieve Stress

Stress and anxiety are two sides of the same coin. Both result in excessive tension, with stress being related to a specific reason and anxiety, a chronic condition without a direct cause. They both increase cortisol, a hormone naturally produced by your body, which can wreak havoc on your body. Using CBD oil to reduce stress can result in fewer health issues caused by high cortisol levels.

Improve Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is a crucial element to a healthy life, but many people experience sleep disruptions, with up to 35% of Americans experiencing mild insomnia. Users of CDB oil report deeper, more peaceful, and improved sleep.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation of the joints, such as knees, can lead to chronic pain. CBD oil use has been linked to a reduction in both inflammation and the pain it causes. Using all-natural CBD is a safer, non-addictive way to manage pain (e.g., not needing opioids can only be a good thing!).


While most of the major benefits of CBD are medical, it’s also used in a variety of beauty products, ranging from bath salts to lip balm. CBD improves the condition of your skin, and its antioxidant properties may combat the effects of aging.

Get Me Some of That

Miracles Massage includes CBD in one version of its body butter, and some of our clients swear by regular use as an all-natural way to rejuvenate their skin. Ask us about CBD-infused products at your next appointment or contact us today for more information.

Kicking Your Gluteus Maximus

Muscle injuries are more common now than they were 50 years ago, especially in our hamstrings—and not because we’re exercising harder. Our sedentary lifestyles are kicking our gluteus maximuses. What’s worse, as we age our joints naturally tend to tighten, further restricting our flexibility.

Massage therapy is beneficial because it maintains and improves your flexibility and range of motion. Your joints are kept fluid and less injury-prone by working on muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints via regular.

Increases Flexibility via Massage

According to Men’s Health magazine, massage is one of the sevens ways to increase flexibility. Massage helps break up knots in your muscles and tissues, both of which restrict movement, especially calves, quads, IT bands, upper back, and lats. Additionally, massage activates the limbic system which flushes away toxins like lactic acid and results in quicker workout recovery.

Adding CDB oil to your massage amplifies the positive impact your already stellar massage experience has on your body.

Benefits of Improved Flexibility

Incorporating massage and stretching into your fitness routine can help reduce workout soreness. Regular post-workout massages support your workout recovery and overall relaxation. Here are massage’s positive impacts on your flexibility:

  • Stimulates the production of the body’s natural lubricants to keep flexibility at a maximum
  • Can enhance athletic performance
  • Helps prevent active lifestyle injuries

Schedule your regular massages with us today. Did you know you could purchase a MiraclePass to save money? Check out our calendar—we’re really flexible!

Can Massage Help with Depression?

It’s normal to feel down, or experience depression, once in a while. Typically, I feel down when it rains multiple days in a row or when I’m exhausted, or something bad happens to my loved ones.

If you feel sad frequently, for two weeks or longer, you may be experiencing a type of clinical depression, of which there are 12 types, the most commonly known and experienced is major depressive disorder.

Hormones and Depression

For many sufferers of clinical depression, antidepressant medications combat the effects of their diagnosis. Some people experience adverse side effects of these pharmaceuticals or don’t want to take pills to counteract their body chemistry.

According to Harvard University, each person’s chemistry is unique. Here are a couple of the hormones affected by depression:

  • Serotonin. Research suggests that some depressed people have reduced serotonin levels.
  • Dopamine. Suppressed dopamine levels distort thinking and are thought to play a role in substance abuse.

Massage and Hormones

Luckily, massage has been scientifically proven to improve the lives of those who experience depression. Here are hormones positively impacted by massage:

  • Increases serotonin which suppresses irritability and cravings. Folks with low serotonin levels have difficulty sleeping and often exhibit obsessive-compulsive behaviors;
  • Increases dopamine which affects intuition, inspiration, joy, and enthusiasm; Lack of dopamine results in clumsiness, poor focus, and easy distraction;
  • Increases endorphins which suppresses pain and elevates feel-good feelings;
  • Increases in oxytocin support feelings of attachment;
  • Increases growth hormones which regenerates tissues and promotes healing;
  • Reduces adrenaline which results in feelings of relaxation and allows for deep sleep; and
  • Decreases cortisol which diminishes

Interestingly, adding hemp-based CBD oil to your massage further enhances the positive hormonal impacts of a massage, especially by increases serotonin and dopamine even more. Usage of CBD oil is legal in all fifty states and is growing in popularity because of its numerous health benefits, without the side effect of getting high.

Schedule your massage today and get to feeling groovy!

Putting extra “AHHH” in Your Massage

At Miracles Massage, I love to bring new and cutting-edge tools to our massage practice. I’ve been beta-testing an all-natural CBD Massage Oil, and my clients are RAVING about it! I love hearing them sigh as they relax even more than usual. AHHH!

Unanimously, they’ve reported feeling a deeper and more effective massage. Tight muscles loosen and enable me to go deeper. They’ve all said it was much easier to relax and enjoy their massage (something that surprised most of them).

What is CBD Massage Oil?

I use a 99.9% pure CBD isolate that is naturally-derived from the hemp plant.  It is entirely legal and has no psychedelic side effects.

What is CBD?

CBD appears to be helpful for many health conditions, including many that are well-suited to regular massage, such as arthritis, anxiety, chronic pain, and more. And although research into the beneficial effects of CBD is still in early stages, most doctors are supportive of CBD, as it has very few, if any, side effects.

Most people are familiar with THC, the compound in marijuana responsible for the “high” that smoking, vaping, or eating marijuana is known for. CBD is the acronym, or nickname, for cannabidiol, the lesser known compound in marijuana. CBD is the compound in hemp that offers many health benefits without any high (which explains the lack of fame). CBD is non-psychoactive because it does not act on the same receptors as THC, called CB1 receptors. CB1 receptors are highly concentrated in the brain and are responsible for the mind-altering effects of THC.

What is the legal status of CBD?

CBD is legal in all 50 states. The most important factor that determines legality is whether the CBD is derived from marijuana or from hemp. Miracles Massage uses CBD derived from hemp. The good news is that it after extensive research, the conclusion is that in Columbia, MD, using CBD oil is legally a go.

What are the CBD science basics?

A 2013 study in Great Britain found that CBD has many therapeutic properties that can help with numerous disorders, although it works through molecular mechanisms that are yet to be completely identified. The researchers found that CBD is effective as:

  • an anti-inflammatory
  • an anticonvulsant
  • an anti-oxidant
  • an anti-emetic
  • an anxiolytic
  • an antipsychotic agent

This means CBD oil is potentially an effective medicine for treating many disorders, including conditions like neuroinflammation.

Want to experience CBD massage oil?

Just let me know either when booking your appointment or when you arrive if you’d like to experience a CBD oil massage.