Kicking Your Gluteus Maximus

Muscle injuries are more common now than they were 50 years ago, especially in our hamstrings—and not because we’re exercising harder. Our sedentary lifestyles are kicking our gluteus maximuses. What’s worse, as we age our joints naturally tend to tighten, further restricting our flexibility.

Massage therapy is beneficial because it maintains and improves your flexibility and range of motion. Your joints are kept fluid and less injury-prone by working on muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints via regular.

Increases Flexibility via Massage

According to Men’s Health magazine, massage is one of the sevens ways to increase flexibility. Massage helps break up knots in your muscles and tissues, both of which restrict movement, especially calves, quads, IT bands, upper back, and lats. Additionally, massage activates the limbic system which flushes away toxins like lactic acid and results in quicker workout recovery.

Adding CDB oil to your massage amplifies the positive impact your already stellar massage experience has on your body.

Benefits of Improved Flexibility

Incorporating massage and stretching into your fitness routine can help reduce workout soreness. Regular post-workout massages support your workout recovery and overall relaxation. Here are massage’s positive impacts on your flexibility:

  • Stimulates the production of the body’s natural lubricants to keep flexibility at a maximum
  • Can enhance athletic performance
  • Helps prevent active lifestyle injuries

Schedule your regular massages with us today. Did you know you could purchase a MiraclePass to save money? Check out our calendar—we’re really flexible!