Meet Our Experience Enhancement Specialist

If you haven’t visited Miracles Massage lately, you may have missed our newest addition to the family. Meet Kiz, Miracles Massage’s official unofficial mascot or our experience enhancement specialist.

Meet Kiz, our experience enhancement specialist.

Kiz is what’s commonly known as a Teddy Bear dog. What is a teddy bear dog? A mix between the Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise dog breeds, they are also commonly known as Shichon or Zuchon.

How Kiz enhances your experience:

  • He has a friendly disposition and will greet you enthusiastically when you arrive;
  • He’s a lover, offering up affection and cuddles;
  • He’s sweet and mild tempered; and
  • He’s even hypoallergenic.

Schedule now to meet Kiz and have an enhanced massage experience!

Best Tips from 2018

As 2018 winds down, I wanted to thank you for being part of the Miracles Massage family. Year-end is a wonderful time to reflect on what went well this year, so I thought I’d share a recap of favorite 2018 blog posts (you know, in case you missed them!).

What’s all the fuss about the dry brush?

Have you heard as I have the hubbub over dry brushing and why you will want to include it in your daily routine? You may be wondering, “What exactly is dry brushing? How does one dry brush?” Simply put, dry brushing is the juice cleanse of the beauty world. Read more.

Can massage help with depression?

It’s normal to feel down, or experience depression, once in a while. Typically, I feel down when it rains multiple days in a row or when I’m exhausted, or something bad happens to my loved ones. Read more.

Repairing your sun-damaged skin with essential oils.

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again. Read more.

The incredible benefits of frankincense.

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while? Read more.

Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different.

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful. Read more.

As always, feel free to reach out to me to schedule a massage or learn more about how we practice at Miracles Massage. Wishing miracles for you in 2019!

What’s all the fuss about the dry brush?

Have you heard as I have the hubbub over dry brushing and why you will want to include it in your daily routine? You may be wondering, “What exactly is dry brushing? How does one dry brush?” Simply put, dry brushing is the juice cleanse of the beauty world.

What is dry brushing?

Using a specific kind of firm-bristled brush, you gently brush your dry skin for three to five minutes in a specific pattern, which coincides with how the lymphatic system drains toxins.  The firm bristles of the brush give your skin a thorough exfoliation while the pressure helps to stimulate your circulation and, yep, lymphatic drainage, which in turn is supposed to help the body eliminate toxins.

Benefits of dry brushing

  • Dry body brushing helps shed dead skin cells (and encourages new cell renewal), which results in smoother and brighter skin.
  • Helps eliminate ingrown hairs
  • Helps shed dead skin cells and encourage new cell renewal, which results in smoother and brighter skin
  • Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • Increasing the circulation to the skin could reduce the appearance of cellulite, a toxic material accumulated in your body’s fat cells.
  • Dry skin brushing rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin (and it feels pretty great, too!).
  • It helps with muscle tone and gives you a more even distribution of fat deposits.

How to dry brush

  • Start on dry skin before bathing.
  • Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes.
  • Always begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart—the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so it’s important that you brush in the same direction.
  • Your back is the only exception to the preceding rule; brush from the neck down to the lower back.
  • After you’ve finished with your ankles, move up to the lower legs, thighs, stomach, back, and arms. Be cautious of softer and sensitive skin around the chest and breasts, and never brush over inflamed skin, sores, sun-burnt skin, or skin cancer.
  • Ensure you shower to wash away the dead skin cells and impurities. Ninja tip: alternating temperatures in the shower from hot to cold will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin.
  • Then follow it up with a slick moisturizer to nourish the skin (personally, I’m a fan of coconut oil).

This handy video from Goop shows how to dry brush.

How often do you dry brush?

Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can—and should—do daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water.

Give dry brushing a try for 30-days and see if you notice a difference. Using a dry brush regime along with regular massage will exponentially improve your skin’s appearance and rid your body of toxins. Schedule your next appointment today.

Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful.

When I began my blog, I hoped to educate and encourage my readers about massage, self-care, essential oils, and really, all the natural tools available to us for a healthful lifestyle. I believe Miracles Massage is different from some other massage establishments because of my commitment to my clients’ health and my passion for sharing my knowledge gained as a therapist, as well as my studies at Baltimore School of Massage.

Let’s uncover why I’m different from other therapists, and more importantly, why I believe regular massage is beneficial to your health.

1. Thoughtful Intention in Every Massage
I really like to focus on the aspect of healing. I try to spread love and gratitude to other people. As I work on my clients, I put a real intention into each massage with the hopes that they leave my session feeling great, grateful, healthy, relaxed, and happy. Therefore, their next transaction with another human will be a positive one. I put a lot of intention in my messages so that the ripple effect of the good feelings acquired during massage will go out to other people in future interactions. I do a lot of meditation on being the catalyst for the betterment of mankind through my massage.

2. Healing Through Touch is Real
I am a true believer in the healing art through touch. Massage stimulates brain activity and growth in babies. For example, using a gentle circular technique to massage their head. Studies also show the difference between newborns who are cuddled and those who are not touched. The cuddled babies really thrived and the ones who weren’t touched, in some cases, had a failure to thrive so there’s onus in scientific-proven studies. I’ve seen it through my own work, so I’m a real true believer of healing through massage.

3. Stress is a Catalyst for Dis-ease
Too much stress is terrible for the body. Whether you are financially, emotionally, or physically stressed, you are putting yourself at risk for a host of health problems. Reducing your stress will reduce the chance of getting some diseases like cancer, as well as dis-ease, which can be related to poor posture.

4. Regular Exercise, Self Care, and Diet Preserve Our Bodies
I believe that our bodies self heal and that we walk around in our own little healing machines. Many people don’t realize they are in pain until massage releases the tension they were holding. When supported by regular exercise, continuous self care, and a healthful diet, our bodies can withstand the natural progression of age better and longer.

5. Massage Supports Better Immune Systems
Our immune systems can become strengthened. Blood can become stagnant, which we call knots. It’s really congestion of any certain place of muscles. Moving blood will help to get rid of garbage blood, through designated drainage areas.

6. Massage is Custom Designed for YOUR Health Needs
I want my clients to feel better. We all live with this underlying pain and we think it’s normal, but it’s not. Regular massage restores the body to balance. I listen to my clients’ needs when they come in and then as I work on them, I also adjust to what their body tells me. The goal is for my clients to feel at ease, lighter, taller, and more like the best version of themselves.

I think we all should be concerned with our health. It’s probably not the most popular thing to do right now because we’re so busy working or running from here to there. A regular self-care routine in our lives is very beneficial. It includes massage, of course, but also exercise, a healthful diet, and even keeping our thoughts positive.

If you have questions on the benefits of massage or how massage therapy can benefit your individual needs, contact us, today!

It’s Time to Celebrate

It’s our anniversary and it’s time to celebrate! The doors of Miracles Massage opened six short months ago. Time truly flies when you treat so many fantastic clients. It’s been our pleasure to help an incredible collection of people find relaxation, comfort, and peace as we, together, work through sore muscles, kinks, pains, and frustrations.

We believe that massage is therapeutic and an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, especially when partnered with essential oils. We value taking the time to know each client personally so we are better able to customize each massage session to fit individual needs.

Thank you for your friendship, loyalty, and encouragement during this time!

No matter the culture or tradition, people have the same universal experiences of love, joy, success, sacrifice, pain, overwhelm, and determination. For this reason, we all celebrate the good in our lives in similar ways. Miracles Massage is thrilled to celebrate our six month anniversary.

Did you know it is important to acknowledge and honor the significant moments in our lives because it helps to keep you motivated toward your goals? It’s true so we encourage you to celebrate your milestones, too.

People celebrate for all kinds of reasons, primarily for happy occasions like marriages, the birth of a child, professional or personal victories and milestones. Why? Because it helps to provide us with

(1) a sense of community,
(2) a sense meaning,
(3) fond memories, and
(4) fun and excitement in our lives.

Celebrating helps to bond with family, friends, and coworkers enabling us to connect on a deeper level. It’s a time when people can let their hair down, cut loose, and let go of the demands of everyday life.

Whatever the occasion, come celebrate with us. You deserve it. We will help you to feel your best so schedule your customized massage today!

It is incredible to think of the many wonderful and inspirational people who have come into our lives. We are grateful for each of you. Here’s looking forward to at least the next six months with you!
