What Not to Expect During a Massage

As we get further along into the summer months, many of you will be taking vacations with family and friends, and may decide to get a massage while you are away. It is the perfect time to capitalize on your break from routine and focus on self care that may have, otherwise, been neglected. When on vacation, most people who seek massage are looking for another way to relax. They want to find restoration, balance, and experience all of the incredible benefits massage offers. It is a wonderful addition to any vacation itinerary. However, if you are not careful, you could find yourself in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation.

A few months ago, I shared on my blog ways to stay safe during a massage. I want to revisit this topic and share with you what is not okay during or after a massage and how to spot a phony.

You should never, ever expect a “happy ending” from a licensed massage therapist. Don’t even be tempted to joke about it. Anyone giving a massage that includes sexual contact of any kind during, or after, a massage is likely not a licensed therapist. Along those lines, it is not okay for the person giving you a massage to touch you sexually. That is completely inappropriate and unethical. No exceptions. If you find yourself in a situation where the person giving a massage is inappropriate, speak up! Each state has laws, regulations, and places to file a complaint.

A good rule-of-thumb is that a therapist should only be working on a body part that is uncovered. They should not be touching you beneath the draping. Likewise, their hands should not be on, near, or even graze your private areas.

When choosing who you allow to give you a massage, there are a few things to keep in mind. A licensed massage therapist is well educated and will have had to complete an intensive program to receive their license or certification. For example, the Cortiva Institute, Baltimore Campus, (my alma mater, which was formerly known as the Baltimore School of Massage) requires a 32-35 week program, logging 750 hours of training. There, students are trained in massage theory, anatomy, physiology, and massage technique, among other aspects, to properly prepare for a career in massage therapy.

Massage therapists use their education to provide a healing service to their clients. That’s why they take an inventory at the beginning of each session to assess any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing and to learn what you hope to achieve through the session. They can alter their course of treatment based on your stress level, current health concerns, or muscle pain.

When searching for someone to give you a massage, avoid anyone who promotes “whole body massage” or “extras” on their list of services. That terminology can be code for illegal sex acts. Listen, also, for turn of phrase like “the bed” vs. “the table”. A professional is more likely to speak clinically about their services and equipment.

It is important be vigilant when choosing someone to give you a massage. If you aren’t sure what is considered normal during massage, and what is inappropriate, or how to spot a phony, contact us. Massage is a wonderful holistic approach to healing and I want you all to remain safe and well cared for during every session.       

Massage Therapy vs. Massage Parlors: How to Stay Safe

When setting out to write this post, I didn’t find a lot of information on the topic I’d like to share. I saw several articles and videos suggesting ways for a therapist to stay protected from clients (particularly at out-call locations), but not many on how a client can protect themselves. I suspect that is largely due to fear. Fear that potential clients will no longer seek peace, serenity, and refuge in massage, but rather by exposing this topic, they will replace those feelings with doubt and fear of foul play.

Friends, when I took on this blog, I told you I was excited to share my thoughts and insights on massage, essential oils, and other healthful living tips to help you live out your best life. Staying safe during a massage is an area that needs a voice rather than silence.

Massage therapy is a practiced skill learned through formal education and a reputable therapist is instated by a licensing board. Massage parlors offer different services, often illegally, including sex acts by people who are not properly trained.

Whether you are looking for a local massage therapist or considering a massage while on vacation, when considering a massage it is important to know who it putting their hands on you before you accept a massage from them. Here are a couple of suggestions before you hop on the massage table.

1. Do Your Homework
When in doubt, do a little research on the establishment and person who will be performing your massage. Make sure it is a reputable place by looking at their website, reading reviews and testimonials, and asking others who they recommend. Also, look for a displayed license that acknowledges their credibility.

2. Know the Nudity Policy
Many reputable places will clearly define their guidelines on nudity. For example, this is mine:
The most effective massage is done on a completely naked subject so that all affected muscle areas can be worked on. Please do not worry; even if you are shy, you will be modestly covered by an oversized sheet at all times, with only the part of the body being massaged being exposed. If you still feel uncomfortable, you may leave your underwear on, but please be aware that will result in certain muscle areas remaining unmassaged.

At the end of the day, your massage therapist wants you to have the best experience possible. In order to do that, you must be comfortable and know that you are in a safe environment.

Finally, I leave you with one last thought and there is no exception here. If you are uncomfortable in any way, by their physical touch or something they said to you, speak up! If the person performing the massage is applying too much pressure or hurting you in any way tell them. There are clear lines for a therapist that should not be crossed.

Massage is a wonderful ingredient for maintaining a healthful, balanced life. Benefits are linked to controlling or fighting chronic health issues like anxiety, depression, cancer, and physical pain. It is the secret weapon your body needs whether it is meant to relax you through an aromatherapy massage, rid your body of toxins through a cupping massage, or work tense muscles through a deep tissue massage. Find someone you can trust and allow them to help you experience a healthy massage.

If you have more questions about how to identify a credible massage therapist or how to stay safe during a massage, please contact us for help.