Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful.

When I began my blog, I hoped to educate and encourage my readers about massage, self-care, essential oils, and really, all the natural tools available to us for a healthful lifestyle. I believe Miracles Massage is different from some other massage establishments because of my commitment to my clients’ health and my passion for sharing my knowledge gained as a therapist, as well as my studies at Baltimore School of Massage.

Let’s uncover why I’m different from other therapists, and more importantly, why I believe regular massage is beneficial to your health.

1. Thoughtful Intention in Every Massage
I really like to focus on the aspect of healing. I try to spread love and gratitude to other people. As I work on my clients, I put a real intention into each massage with the hopes that they leave my session feeling great, grateful, healthy, relaxed, and happy. Therefore, their next transaction with another human will be a positive one. I put a lot of intention in my messages so that the ripple effect of the good feelings acquired during massage will go out to other people in future interactions. I do a lot of meditation on being the catalyst for the betterment of mankind through my massage.

2. Healing Through Touch is Real
I am a true believer in the healing art through touch. Massage stimulates brain activity and growth in babies. For example, using a gentle circular technique to massage their head. Studies also show the difference between newborns who are cuddled and those who are not touched. The cuddled babies really thrived and the ones who weren’t touched, in some cases, had a failure to thrive so there’s onus in scientific-proven studies. I’ve seen it through my own work, so I’m a real true believer of healing through massage.

3. Stress is a Catalyst for Dis-ease
Too much stress is terrible for the body. Whether you are financially, emotionally, or physically stressed, you are putting yourself at risk for a host of health problems. Reducing your stress will reduce the chance of getting some diseases like cancer, as well as dis-ease, which can be related to poor posture.

4. Regular Exercise, Self Care, and Diet Preserve Our Bodies
I believe that our bodies self heal and that we walk around in our own little healing machines. Many people don’t realize they are in pain until massage releases the tension they were holding. When supported by regular exercise, continuous self care, and a healthful diet, our bodies can withstand the natural progression of age better and longer.

5. Massage Supports Better Immune Systems
Our immune systems can become strengthened. Blood can become stagnant, which we call knots. It’s really congestion of any certain place of muscles. Moving blood will help to get rid of garbage blood, through designated drainage areas.

6. Massage is Custom Designed for YOUR Health Needs
I want my clients to feel better. We all live with this underlying pain and we think it’s normal, but it’s not. Regular massage restores the body to balance. I listen to my clients’ needs when they come in and then as I work on them, I also adjust to what their body tells me. The goal is for my clients to feel at ease, lighter, taller, and more like the best version of themselves.

I think we all should be concerned with our health. It’s probably not the most popular thing to do right now because we’re so busy working or running from here to there. A regular self-care routine in our lives is very beneficial. It includes massage, of course, but also exercise, a healthful diet, and even keeping our thoughts positive.

If you have questions on the benefits of massage or how massage therapy can benefit your individual needs, contact us, today!

How Massage Aids In Grief Therapy

Source: Adobe Stock

Bereavement doesn’t know the time. In fact, it can intensify with each new season of the year. No one is exempt from dealing with grief. It hits us from all angles at any age or any stage of life. Grief does not look the same for everyone either.

Generally, we all go through the same stages of grief, but some of us are better at hiding it than others. People who do not allow themselves to properly grieve, and suppress their feelings may unknowingly find themselves in extreme physical and mental stress. For example, experts know that those who are grieving can experience fatigue, body aches, physical tension, loss of appetite, and bouts of sleeplessness, to name a few.

We also know that bereavement affects us in four ways:

1. mentally,
2. physically,
3. emotionally, and
4. socially.

When one of these areas is askew, there is an increased need to create harmony within the body, mind, and soul. Massage is an excellent way to aid in the healing of a hurting heart. Why? Because when stimulated by massage, the touch receptors in our bodies, will decrease cortisol and increase levels of both serotonin and dopamine, helping to balance mood, regain focus, and feel good overall.

Massage can help to:

  • Loosen tight muscles,
  • Improve overall mental state and well-being,
  • Boost energy level,
  • Provide relief from tension headaches,
  • Improve circulation and breathing, and
  • Aid poor sleep.

“When you treat the entire body, you will improve the ability to manage grief and you will be able to move through the stages of grief more effectively,” said Carrie Fuhrer, LPC, NCC, Outpatient Therapist at Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center.

Five common reasons for feelings of grief and depression include:

  • Loss of a loved one,
  • Loss of a pet,
  • Ending of a marriage,
  • Loss of a job, and/or an
  • Illness diagnosis. 

Massage is much more than just a way to relax. It has many therapeutic benefits, for anyone dealing with physical or cognitive stress. If you or someone you know is suffering from grief and would like to experience the benefits of grief therapy massage, contact us.

To ensure you receive the best care possible, talk with your massage therapist about what you are experiencing. At Miracles Massage, we customize every massage to meet our clients’ specific needs. Knowing a little about your situation will help us to know what areas of your body on which to focus, what essential oils might best soothe you, and how we can best serve your needs.

Schedule your massage today!

3 Reasons Summertime Massage Benefits Your Health

Source: Adobe Stock

Oh summer! How we anticipate its arrival all winter long. We look forward to the sunshine and the warm breeze on a summer evening. We daydream about relaxing on our deck with a cool beverage, taking a much-needed vacation, and enjoying the fruits of our garden. Yes, summer, we love you! However, now that you’re here you’ve caused a few problems.

As massage therapists, we see it all summer long, while summer in the mid-Atlantic is a much anticipated season, it can also take a toll on our bodies. Knowing how to properly care for ourselves reduces the risk of injury and discomfort.

Here are three reasons a summertime massage will benefit your health.

1. Massage Aids Muscle Relief After Exercise
You may not realize the extra strain you are putting on your body during summer activities. Most people don’t stretch their muscles before and after they head outside to work in their garden, push the lawn mower around, or play a quick round of kickball with their kids, and the result can cause injury.

In the summer months, we find ourselves saying yes to fun activities like swimming, cycling, and golfing. Consequently, muscles that have been ignored for 7-8 months get stretched, pulled, and even strained.

Massage can help relieve the tension in your muscles after you’ve been pulling weeds from your garden for several hours or after a quick excursion around the lake in a friend’s kayak. This regular maintenance helps muscles to stay limber and aids in avoiding spasms and sprains.

2. Massage Alleviates Swelling
The nasty part of summer we tend to overlook as we stare out the window in February when the sky looks gray and the grass is brown, is the heat and humidity that sweeps through our area in July and August. During humid months, we see a lot of swelling and discomfort in our clients’ joints. This annoyance is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Massage is proven to help increase blood flow, reduce swelling, and soothe aching muscles. As therapists hone in on problem areas, muscles elongate and fluid is pushed throughout the body alleviating swelling in joints and limbs.

3. Massage Combats Stress
Isn’t it funny how summer is supposed to be a time for rest and relaxation, yet it sometimes feels like we are in overdrive? It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, chores need to be completed, bills must be paid, deadlines have to be met, and children need to be entertained. It can be overwhelming. 

Massage is proven to help relieve stress and anxiety, and promote better sleep.

Whether you are pushing yourself to achieve your personal best running time, racing the clock to beat beach traffic, or picking up wet towels from a bedroom floor, you deserve a little time to yourself. Experience the stillness of serenity through massage. Breathe in the lovely scent of your favorite essential oil. Listen to the peaceful and soothing music playing softly in the background. Sounds wonderful, right? Yes!

Schedule your massage and allow the health benefits your body longs to have this summer wash over you. It will be the best decision you make today!

Why Salt Baths Are a “Must” For Boosting Your Health

Many people lack magnesium in their bodies and don’t even know it. Might you be one? This ingredient is important for your health care plan because it helps to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss, to name a few.

Conversely, among other things, a lack of magnesium in the body is linked with

  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • sleep problems, and
  • heavier cramping during “that time” of the month.

How might one fix this problem? It’s easier than you might think. The answer, friends, is salt baths. If salt baths are not part of your weekly routine, it’s time to add them in. Lots of us carve out time to go to the gym and we opt for healthier food and beverage options when we are trying to take care of ourselves, but taking a little time to soak in a warm salt bath can do wonders for your bod. Hey, if an expert celeb trainer gives it a nod, it will work for you, too.

Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

(1) Stress relief. Say it out loud, people. Stress equals dropping levels of magnesium. Epsom salt will help give your levels the boost they need to promote a good mood, better sleep, and overall wellness.

(2) Bloating and constipation ease. Magnesium and sulfate help to draw out the excess fluid in your system. This detox can result in flattening your tummy (score!).

(3) Decrease in migraines. Research shows that people who suffer from migraines have lower magnesium levels.

(4) Radiant skin. Epsom salt can be paired with your favorite cleaning cream to create a wonderful exfoliator for your skin, leaving you with that glow you desire.

(5) Soothes tired feet. After a long day, you may find your feet aching and the desire to rest yourself overwhelming. After soaking your feet for a while, you can massage and shave off the dead and callous skin on the bottom of your feet.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Baths

Another popular salt bath incorporates Himalayan salt. You guessed it, this mineral comes from the Himalayas and has lots of its own benefits like:

  • boosting immunity,
  • balancing hormones,
  • fighting off infections
  • regulating blood pressure, and
  • aiding in weight loss.

When doing a salt bath at home, enthusiasts say it takes anywhere from 12-40 minutes for your body to completely relax and absorb minerals while the bath pulls out toxins. When creating your DIY salt bath regimen, make sure to keep in mind that you may want to start out gradually because too much too fast could cause you to feel ill.

You’re date with a luxurious salt bath awaits. Here’s an easy recipe that can be altered for your personal needs.

1-2 cups Epsom salt
½ cup Himalayan salt
½ tsp natural vanilla extract
10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil
Mix all the ingredients together in a warm bath and soak! You will thank us.

Now that you are sold on salt baths and are excited and committed to adding this into your regular beauty routine, be sure you don’t fall victim to wasting your efforts on a bath that won’t reap all the benefits. Most people take baths that are too hot. To gain all the benefits of an incredible salt bath, make sure to keep the water at body temperature. We’ll make that easy for you, too, with this rubber duckie sure to make your bath time lots of fun. (Admit it, you can’t help but hear Ernie signing).

You’re in luck: because we believe so much in the importance of bath salts, we’re giving away a handcrafted lavender or frankincense bath salt to all who book* an appointment with us by June 30!

*Appointment must take place by July 31, 2017.