Repairing Your Sun-Damaged Skin with Essential Oils

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again.

The Problem
Overexposure to the sun can result in immediate changes to the skin like: redness, swelling, blisters, or itchiness. It can also take a toll on the body by causing other symptoms like nausea, fatigue, headaches, and fever. Over time, if your skin has not been properly protected from the sun, you can get sun and age spots or additional wrinkles. Why? The sun takes a toll on the collagen and elasticity of your skin causing marks and lines to deepen.  

The Solution
The very first thing you need to do is to hydrate. When your skin has been overexposed to the sun, your body will pull moisture from other places to attempt its self-heal process. Be sure to drink the daily recommended amount of fluids for your body type.  

The 411 on Essential Oils
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are the same. Look for oils that are organic and state 100% pure essential oil on the bottle. Otherwise, you may end up with synthetic oils that just don’t do the job right.

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a great choice when you are sunburned because of its anti-inflammatory agents. What makes it even better, is its ability to help regenerate cells. When your skin is on fire, Lavender oil will help calm down your skin while promoting healthy regrowth.  

For an extra soothing treat, add drops of Lavender oil to your oatmeal bath and wait for the itchiness to slowly fade away.

Myrrh Oil
Save for Christmas season, Myrrh oil doesn’t get a lot of hype. This unsung hero is a powerhouse, though. It is known for everything from boosting your immune system to preventing premature aging. Because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulant properties, it will help get the blood circulating through your body to help you heal faster and keep those wrinkles at bay.

Ylang Ylang Oil
Another wonderful essential oil for sun-damaged skin has to be Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is another anti-inflammatory, which will help with redness and itching. Additionally, because of its antioxidant components, it helps to smooth blotches, lines, and wrinkles, making it a secret weapon against aging. 

Sun damage is not a joke. When you’re young, it is hard to imagine a day when the elasticity of your skin droops, skin sags, and new wrinkles seem to pop up overnight. While, we should all embrace our new looks as we age, and love the skin we’re in, we also need to take care of ourselves and our skin to avoid other dangers.

If you have questions about which essential oils are best for your sun damaged skin, or how to blend a few together to make the right combination for you, contact us!

3 Sensual Essential Oils for Makin’ Whoopee this Valentine’s Day

Have you noticed that people either love Valentine’s Day or they hate it? There is an awful lot of hype, particularly in new relationships, about flowers, chocolates, dinner reservations, expensive gifts, and grand gestures. It can be a fun and magical day for lovebirds.

Maybe you aren’t into the big, extravagant celebration, but would like to do something a little more memorable than your average Wednesday night. Let’s face it, if you have been in a committed relationship for any length of time, your expectation of something as gloriously romantic as one of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect songs wanes. Notice, the word ‘wanes’. That doesn’t mean you can’t write your own magical night with the right ingredients.

Here are three sensual essential oils for Makin’ Whoopee this Valentine’s Day, along with suggestions on how to use them.

Ylang, Ylang Oil
Ylang, ylang has a light floral aroma that is calming and helps the body to relax. This essential oil is wonderful for helping to relieve feelings of nervousness and anxiety, which proves helpful when one worries about the endless chocolatey treats that have been consumed since Thanksgiving. Ylang, Ylang is known to be an aphrodisiac, as well as being associated with feelings of joy and playfulness. Also helpful for recreational activities.  

Neroli Oil
What is particularly interesting about Neroli Oil is that it helps promote feelings of arousal especially for those who have been experiencing a loss of sexual desire. It’s gentle aroma releases tension and is a mood enhancer.  

Rose Oil
Rose oil is the most feminine of our essential oils. It is said to release feelings of love, compassion, and devotion. When you think of valentine’s day, the image of red roses is sure to pop into your mind, along with Cupid. When he pulled back that arrow to hit his target, his aim was to release the body’s chemicals, boosting the libido. Take a cue from him.

Your Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be another boring Wednesday night. Spice it up by experimenting with the flirtatious influence of aromatherapy. Find an oil or a blend that is pleasing to your partner. Add it to a diffuser or drop it into a warm bath. Make your own spray bottles and spritz your sheets.

To create your own intimate massage session, use essential oils to trigger your limbic system through your sense of smell. Add your favorite essential oil or blend to a base oil and take turns gently massaging each other. peaceful ambiance by lighting candles and creating a playlist you both with enjoy.

For more suggestions on which essential oils to use for a romantic night, contact us.