Handcrafted, Small Batch Yumminess for You

When I began Miracles Massage, I purchased organic massage crème online to use on my clients. It was a great product, but I wanted to do something…more. Something different. Something unique. So my husband and I began to experiment with ingredients. Finally, we landed upon the exact right combination to create handcrafted, small batch yumminess: all-natural body butter.

It started with the chemicals

I’m a label reader. I continue to learn about the body’s composition and how certain products interacted, specifically with our skin and decided that I didn’t want to be exposed to the chemicals utilized in mass-manufactured products—and I didn’t want to use those products on my beloved clients.

We purchase the highest quality ingredients, which include coconut oil, avocado oil, cocoa butter, mango butter, shea butter, and vitamin E.

Specific Oils

Coconut oil is great for increasing hydration. It helps reduce water loss experienced when we have seriously dry skin (ah hem, hello winter!),speeds up wound healing, and leaves skin feeling nourished and smooth. It’s especiallyeffective for acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Avocado oil includes antioxidants and vitamins to heal dry, irritated, and flaky skin, especially associated with psoriasis and eczema. This oil contains potassium, lecithin, and other nutrients that can nourish and moisturize the skin.

It’s Like Butta

Cocoa Butter is high in fatty acids, which is why it’soften touted for its ability to hydrate and nourish the skin as well as improve elasticity. The fat in cocoa butter forms a protective barrier over the skin to hold in moisture. It’s also rich in natural plant compounds called phytochemicals, which improve blood flow to the skin and slow skin aging by protecting against damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Mango butter is a naturalsource of vitamin A, and it helps reduce theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles thereby increasing the skin’s overall youthful look. Dry patches, flakiness, and sensitive skin can benefit from daily application of mango butter, which goes to work deeply moisturizing.

Shea Butter has high concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins which make it an ideal cosmetic ingredient for softening skin. Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Using shea butter on your body, especially your face, can condition, tone, and soothe your skin

Other Goodness

Vitamin E combats free radicals, which make it harder for scars to heal. By applying vitamin E oil to scars, one can diminish more permanent marks. While vitamin E’s main role in creams and lotions is as an antioxidant, it could help soften skin as well.

To further promote healing, Miracles Massage also has an Arnica-InfusedBody Butter to reduce muscle pain or soreness and a CBD Body Butter to promote a healthy skin appearance and decreasemuscle pain or soreness.

Perfect Gifts

Not only do I use these body butters for my clients’ massages, but I’ve also made them available for purchase at the studio. You can contact me directly to place an order for pick-up—the gift of our body butter is one you will be thanked for time and again!

Basket of Butters