Accept the invitation of the winter solstice

Light the night with candles.

As I publish this blog post, it’s the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere. This year’s solstice gives us a unique experience as it coincides with December’s full moon and a Geminid meteor shower. If you’re a follower of moon energy like I am, you know that this is a powerful combination!

The darkness of the solstice has long been an invitation to go inside, reflect, and practice self-care. In case you’re at a loss for how to celebrate, I offer three suggestions.

Three ways you can to honor the solstice

  1. Light candles. Lighting candles to chase away the darkness is a centuries-old tradition. This is a day to splurge on candlelight! Enjoy a candlelit dinner. Use candles to chase away the gray of the day.
  2. Practice self-care. Because this year’s solstice is extremely powerful, it’s a perfect day to celebrate and practice self-love. I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use to amplify celebrating and increasing self-care. The holidays and year-end tend to be busy-busy-busy. Here’s your permission slip to go get your nails done, get a massage, or grab a book and curl up by the fire with a hot chocolate!
  3. Listen to music. A solstice ritual dating back to pagan times includes music or chanting. Check out Mary Chapin Carpenter’s song, The Longest Night of the Year, or Paul Winter’s Solstice Chant, or Lisa Thiel’s Winter Solstice Song.

Be sure to soak up the beautiful energy of this longest night. If you long for a massage, please book here! Happy Holidays from my family to me to you and yours.