5 Detox Methods to Boost Your Energy This Spring

Spring is a time of rebirth and reawakening. We notice birds building nests for their eggs to hatch, green stems begin to pop out of the ground, trees start to turn and become lusher. We hear the sound of lawn mowers in the distance and color sweeps back into our landscapes. It’s a refreshing time filled with hope. As you prepare to embrace this new season with open arms, be careful not to let lingering traces of winter steal your sunshine.

Try these five detox methods to boost your energy this spring and kick the effects of winter on your body and mind to the curb.

1. Smudging
Smudging is an ancient method, still used today, to get rid of the negative energy in a space. People take herbs, generally, sage, bundle it, then light it. Taking the smudge stick in your hand, you allow the smoke to greet the negative energy in the room and on the objects of the room cleansing and purifying the space. Smudging is also an excellent way to clear a room of mold, allergens, and pet dander that has gathered over time. You can smudge your home, office, car, or even yourself.

2. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to boost the energy of a room. Simply by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to a diffuser, you are able to change the dynamic of your space. Using citrus oils can be an uplifting way to embrace spring. Lime Essential Oil is associated with energy and named for the zest for life feeling. Tangerine Essential Oil is linked with joy and produces the feeling of cheerfulness. Lemon Essential Oil gives a sense of clarity and evokes focus.

3. Flushing Toxins
Our bodies naturally trap toxins. Physical touch, like massage, helps to release feel-good endorphins by promoting easier blood flow, which helps with lymphatic drainage. Know what else helps? Water. Drinking enough water each day will keep your body hydrated and healthy. A person who is dehydrated will feel fatigued and have low energy. By meeting the recommended daily intake of water, your body will experience a variety of health benefits and rid your body of toxins.

4. Exercise
During the winter months, some of us are a bit more sedentary than the other seasons of the year causing our energy to be stagnant. Now that the weather is nice, it is time to get outside and move that body to feel energized. Whether you are running down the city streets, walking around your neighborhood, playing catch with your kids, or preparing your flower beds for planting, your movement will awaken your spirit, body, and mind. Let the positive energy wash over you and soak it in.

5. Mediation
As the weather warms and you find yourself sitting outside among nature, take time to mindfully meditate on the positive things in your life. Focus on your surroundings. Rid your mind of any negative thoughts and clear a path for positive energy to take root.

For more ideas on how to boost your energy this spring, contact us.

3 Ideas on How To Be Generous With Yourself

Busy people often put their self care last on their list of to-do items. It is something that can be viewed as a luxury, and only completed if all the other items are crossed off of their list. It comes as no surprise that entrepreneurs, business owners, and parents put in long hours, finding little time to care for themselves. Are you one of these people?

Remember, especially during the bustling holiday season, if you don’t take care of yourself properly, you are inviting illness, stress, and fatigue into your home. We’ve come up with three ideas on how to be generous with yourself to ensure you are operating at full capacity through the new year.

1. Soak in a Himalayan Salt Bath
Salt baths are excellent for helping to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss. Himalayan salt is known to help balance hormones, boost immunity, and regulate blood pressure.

Short on time? No problem, you don’t need to cram an appointment at the spa into your already packed schedule. You can experience all the benefits of a luxurious bath in the comforts of your own home. After you put the kids in bed, respond to emails, wrap presents, or prep for your morning meeting, draw yourself a bath and add Himalayan salt to it. Make sure to keep the water at body temperature to fully experience the work of the salts.

2. Mix it Up with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy uses concentrated essential oils in a variety of ways to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit while promoting health and providing balance. By knowing which essential oils to use and how to properly blend them, you can experience their healing properties to the fullest.

When putting the oils in a diffuser, you take in the aromas that send messages to your nervous system and the part of your brain that controls emotions. When mixing the concentrated essential oils with a base oil, you can apply them topically, allowing your skin to absorb them.

3. Experience a Massage
Whether you go to Miracles Massage to experience one of our custom designed massages, or have your partner give you a gentle rub down at home, treat yourself to the benefits of massage.

Need a little reminder on some of those incredible benefits? Massage is known to:

  • relieve pain and stress,
  • aid depression and anxiety,
  • boost immunity,
  • soothe migraines,
  • ease menstrual cramping and PMS, and
  • improve sleep.

It is very common, especially around the holidays, for people to focus on everyone and everything around them except for themselves. We are in a perpetual giving mode, yet we forget to give a little generosity, warmth, and kindness to ourselves. Don’t forget to give yourself the gift of relaxation and tranquility.    

For more ways on how to be generous with yourself or suggestions for aromatherapy that might be right for you, contact us today!

DIY Your Sacred Space Using Your 5 Senses

People may seek a sacred space because they are in need of a time for their body and mind to relax, or perhaps they are looking for a calming place to be more productive. You would be hard-pressed to find adults these days who would say they are not mentally overloaded, financially stressed, or emotionally spent at one time or another. Do you need a place to escape, recharge, and keep balanced?

When choosing a sacred space, your very first task it to find a place to call your own. Whether it is a room in your house, car, or patio, you have to find a place that speaks to you and makes you feel comfortable and safe. Consider things like the lighting, sounds, and temperature. Use all five of your senses to make sure the space will help you achieve the harmony you desire.

Consider engaging your five senses to DIY a sacred space custom-designed just for you.

1. Simplify
To make your space peaceful, you must keep it visually pleasing. Yes, you’ll want to add attractions like artwork or inspirational quotes to keep you charged; but remember, your space should be simple and clear from clutter. It is hard to find serenity in a place that is visually chaotic. Distractions come in the form of piled up bills, paperwork, dirty dishes, cascading laundry towers, and empty takeout containers. Rid your space of visual excess so you can tap into serenity.  

2. Do You Hear What I Hear?
Unwanted noise is the worst kind of distraction. As you try to empty your mind and enjoy a peace-filled place, the gentle hum of a refrigerator or the rattling of an old fan you normally don’t notice, may just make you bonkers. Find a space that is free from distracting sounds. If that isn’t possible, you may want to add your own soothing sounds of nature.   

3. 1, 2, 3 Breathe
Don’t forget to think about the air you are breathing. What kind of experience are you trying to create in your sacred space? Aromatherapy is an excellent way to engage your senses and heighten your experience.

4. Feel the Space
Your productivity or lack thereof could all come down to comfort. Choose furniture and carpets that suit the needs of the experience you desire. For example, make sure your desk chair is ergonomically correct. The last thing you want is for your sacred space to leave you with aches and pains. Similarly, choose a soft plush rug or carpet if you plan to do lots of floor work.

5. A Taste Treat
Delight the last of your senses with a tasty treat. Perhaps a bowl of chocolates, a crisp peppermint, a chai latte, or a glass of red wine. Taste and smell are closely linked. They can be quite powerful and trigger memories. Use tastes and smells to remind you of fond memories when you are trying to unwind.  

When you are mindful about engaging all of your senses, you can find easy ways to play into your sensory preferences. Let all of your senses work together to keep you in harmony. Need more suggestions on how to DIY your sacred space? Contact us today!

Combat Energy Shifts of the Autumnal Equinox With 6 Essential Oils

Source: Adobe Stock

It is hard to believe that we have quickly moved from the sultry days of summer to the crisp, pumpkin-spice everything days of fall. Halloween costumes and decorations of brown, red, orange, and yellow replace tiki torches, solar lights, and charcoal on the shelves of our favorite stores. The turn of the season is upon us. Are you ready for not only the change in temperature but also the change in the atmosphere’s energy?

The Autumnal Equinox, this year, falls on Friday, September 22. What’s its significance, you ask? An equinox is when the sun shines directly on the equator so the length of the day is roughly equal to that of night. From that day until the winter solstice in December, the days get shorter. While the equinox is a balance of day and night, both in the fall and in the spring, it is a time when energy can negatively impact your personal balance, if you are not mindful to correct it.

As the days grow shorter, one’s body naturally goes into hibernation mode. With the dark approaching as most of us get out of work, we find ourselves wanting the comfort of our warm and cozy beds much earlier than in the spring and summer months. The fight to balance daytime and nighttime activities can result in stress, anxiety, confusion, and lethargy. That is why it is important to be mindful and create a healthy balance for your mind and body so you can kick negative energy to the curb. You can unlock your emotions and elevate your mind while restoring your body to its balanced and relaxed state with these six essential oils.

6 Essential Oils to Keep You in Balance

Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil is a powerful antidepressant. It helps fight physiological distress symptoms like fatigue, extreme worry, and depression. Its properties are used to replace those negative energies with the feelings of joy, relaxation, and stimulation.

Frankincense Oil
This incredible oil is used to protect and heal the body. It helps one feel connected and achieve mental peace. Additionally, it helps ward off feelings of grief, stress, and anxiety.

Lemon Oil
Lemon Oil, like many other citrus oils, is uplifting and energizing. It is known for changing the energy in the room by providing freshness.

Patchouli Oil
This is an oil that can help relieve feelings of emptiness that people who are emotionally disconnected feel. When used in aromatherapy, Patchouli Oil is a wonderful mood changer. It helps to fight depression, boost energy levels, and even stimulate sexual drive.

Sandalwood Oil
If you are looking for a boost, Sandalwood Oil is great for finding personal balance. It helps with centering and finding mental clarity.

Rose Oil
You can think of rose oil as your own little love potion. Its chief job is to boost the feelings of love, kindness, and compassion. Not only is it an antidepressant, it also helps with sensitive skin issues.

During the time around the Autumnal Equinox, it is important to maintain your personal tranquility. Whether you choose to do that through massage, aromatherapy, mindfulness, or in some other way, be gentle with yourself.

There’s only one you! For more tips, suggestions, or to schedule a healing massage, contact us, today!

7 Essential Oils to Try

Incorporating aromatherapy and corresponding essential oils into your daily life is a game changer for many people. These elements are known to speed up the healing process, boost cognitive performance, strengthen the immune system, increase circulation, and improve moods. Who wouldn’t want to experience these amazing benefits?

Aromatherapy, for many who use it, is a mix of science and art. It can be fun to blend oils together, creating combinations that work best for you. However, you must be informed before you grab random oils and start mixing to avoid negative side effects. Some of the most popular essential oils can easily be found at your local pharmacy or health food store.

Source: AdobeStock

Blending oils create synergy. For example, lavender oil on its own is wonderfully relaxing. When you add to it tangerine, bergamot, geranium, cypress, frankincense, and chamomile oils, you’ve just whipped up a soothing combination for an insomniac. Pair that together with the benefits of massage and you just may send them to sleepy town.

For regular use, it is important to know which oils may trigger allergies by paying close attention to your own body’s reaction. It is also extremely important to properly dilute the oils with a base oil, lotion, or water.

If you are brand new to aromatherapy, choosing essential oils may be overwhelming. Luckily, many brands have already paired oils together with handy labels explaining their specially designed outcome. We’ve also put together a list of seven popular reasons people turn to aromatherapy and some of the essential oils you may want to try. (Please note, the oils listed here are individual, not suggested blends.)

7 Common Reasons to Use Aromatherapy and Essential Oils to Try

  1. Relieve stress
    Oils to try: frankincense, rose, lavender, bergamot, Roman chamomile
  2. Decrease joint pain and sore muscle
    Oils to try: frankincense, geranium, ginger, peppermint, lavender
  3. Boost energy
    Oils to try: lemon, peppermint
  4. Aid congestion
    Oils to try: eucalyptus, peppermint
  5. Combat sleep problems
    Oils to try: lavender, roman chamomile
  6. Ease menstrual cramping
    Oils to try: Roman chamomile, clary sage, geranium, neroli
    *Try fennel for menstrual irregularities
  7. Reduce stomach discomfort
    Oils to try: fennel, ginger, bergamot

Anyone can benefit from aromatherapy. Our goal is to best serve the individual needs of our clients. If you are an overworked mom in need of stress relief, or a weekend warrior recovering from an injury, we will find the right essential oils for you. Contact us today to schedule your next session.

Aromatherapy 101: What Is It and How to Use Essential Oils

Source: AdobeStock

Many people are unclear on what exactly aromatherapy is and the healing powers it offers. Are you one of them? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Buckle up as we give you a quick overview of the benefits of aromatherapy and how to use essential oils.

Looking in the Rearview

Aromatherapy has been around for centuries. It was used for medicinal and religious practices among Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman people, among others. Essential oils were also used to treat American soldiers for wounds and burns during WWI. However, sometime in the 1980s aromatherapy became more widespread and popular in American society. Aromatherapy is linked with Aristotle’s belief that matter is made up of four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.

True essential oils are extracted from various parts of plants like leaves, flowers, stems, bark, seeds, and roots, and then distilled. These concentrated oils are used in a variety of ways to promote health, provide balance, and harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.

How Aromatherapy Works

Our sense of smell is powerful. It can trigger emotions and memories transporting us to another time or even reminding us of a special someone. As we inhale through our nose, we take in aromas that send messages to our nervous system and the part of our brains that control emotions. Knowing which essential oils to use, how to blend them, and how to use them properly is important so you can obtain the oil’s healing properties to the fullest.

Now that you know the history of aromatherapy and how it works, let’s chat about how to use the oils so you can stimulate the different parts of your body (physically, emotionally, and mentally) to improve your experience.

How to Use Essential Oils

  1. Mix with base oils and lotions. Once extracted, the oils are highly concentrated. You only need a few drops of essential oil to be mixed in with base oils, or an unscented lotion, before massaging into your skin. Applying the concentrated oils directly to the skin could cause skin irritation or reactions.
  2. Breathe in the oils. By adding a few drops in a diffuser or an oil warmer you can spread the scent of the oils around your home or office gently. You may also try dropping a little oil into the melted wax of an unscented candle for a similar outcome.
  3. Soak in a bath. Create a spa experience at home. Add a couple of oil drops to your bath water and be prepared to find yourself in a little oasis. When adding essential oil to your bath water, not only are you able to breathe in the fragrance, your body also absorbs the oil.

When pairing massage with aromatherapy, you can receive the therapeutic effects of the oils as well as the incredible benefits of the massage itself. It’s a magical combination that you will thank yourself for after each session.

Whether you massage your partner at home or schedule your appointment with us today, you absolutely must try it!

To learn more about essential oils, and the benefits of aromatherapy in massage, contact us!