5 Tips to Restore Balanced Harmony

Creating a balance of the body, mind, and spirit can be difficult if you are not mindfully aware of what is going on around you, the people who influence your energy field, and the way in which you deal with negativity as it arises.

Think about the different aspects of your life- home, work, family, and other relationships. From time-to-time have you found yourself in a rut? Do you ever feel like you are in a downward cycle? No matter how hard you try, you can’t pull yourself out of it?   

The energy we carry with us combines our past, our dominant thoughts, and our perception of the world around us. As you navigate your way through the world, remember that you have the power to change your personal energy and the energy in the space around you. (Hello, and welcome smudging!)

Over the past year, I have written several blogs giving examples of the causes of negative energy and solutions on how to guard yourself against it. Here is a collection of my favorites in one handy post to help you as you work toward removing negative energy from your life and restoring balanced harmony.    

1. The Gender Wars: How Men and Women Manage Energy Differently
In order to effectively manage negative energy, it is necessary to understand from where our energy comes, and how the sexes deal with it in different ways. How you deal with negative energy may not be the same as your partner, boss, or colleague. It is important to remember our energy comes from four wellsprings: body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Learn how to ensure your four wellsprings are in balance. Read more…

2. The Art of a Reiki Massage
Reiki is an ancient practice with incredible health benefits. It is a wonderful way to restore balance to the body’s energy level while increasing its self-healing ability. The positively charged energy from your therapist’s hands will transfer to your body, allowing the therapist to free unbalanced energy to flow within your body. Learn how Reiki will add a little zing to your massage experience. Read More…

3. How Playlists Will Improve Your Mindfulness
Sometimes we look to music to boost our energy level, get us psyched up for a fun night out, keep us motivated during a workout, calm heightened anxiety levels, or even soothe our interrupted sleep. Music has the ability to change the energy we possess when we mindfully focus on it. There are three perks for using music through mindful playlists and there are three playlists you should have on the ready for when life comes on a bit too strong. Read more…

4. Mastering Mindfulness
To achieve peace and joy within yourself you have to be mindful in your daily life, focusing on the positive and avoiding all the ways negative energy can creep into your psyche. This post gives you 10 actionable items to ensure you are staying focused and are aware of negative influences. Read More…

5. It’s a New Day, Stay Mindful ALL Year Long
Just because we are approaching May, doesn’t mean you can’t make a year-long commitment to focusing on a positive new you. You can take steps to combat negative energy, be present, and positively charged on a Wednesday in April, May, or October! Explore how to release negative energy, and how to find ways to release that negative energy in your life. Read More…

If you are looking for more ways to remove negative energy from your life and replace it with balanced harmony, contact us! Also, ask about which essential oils may help your specific needs.

3 Playlists to Improve Your Mindfulness

Music is a well-loved expression of art. Artists capture the emotions we feel, going beyond words, and allowing vibrations, sounds, and the blending of instruments to guide us into an inspired world of our choosing. On any given day, we might look for music to boost our energy level, calm our heightened anxiety, or soothe our interrupted sleep.

When paired with mindfulness, music has three key perks: it elevates your mind, connects you with your inner peace, and improves your health. Music is a form of communication and a great resource for you to understand your inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Not to mention, it can be used as a tool to release the negative energy building within you.

When the demands of life come on a little too strong, use these 3 types of playlists to improve your mindfulness.

1. Restoration, Here I Come
We are busy people in need of a little slow down. Every yogi or spa enthusiast will tell you that music playing in the background is soft, peaceful, and relaxing. The gentle sounds of nature or synthetic blend of instruments is used to create a tranquil atmosphere. You can create the same blissful sounds wherever you are. Choose tracks that speak to your soul. Feel the vibrations. Focus on what you are hearing and block out the noise around you. Concentrate your thoughts. If you find yourself drifting, gently bring yourself back and be mindful of the restoration your body craves.  

Get Your Meredith Gray On
The on-screen doctor reminds us that there are times in life when nothing else can be done, you simply have to dance it out. Dance out your frustration, dance away your blues, dance for joy and happiness, and dance to celebrate. Not only is dancing an excellent form of exercise, it is also an incredible celebration of one’s self. Through dance, you can experience self-release, self-expression, and yes, a love of one’s own self. So find a batch of songs that brings you to your feet and don’t stop moving. Focus on the songs you choose. Music trips our memories so choose songs that won’t only make you shake your groove thing, but also take you to a happy place.

Sleepytown, Are You Out There?
Everyone wishes for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, there are a host of reasons why that doesn’t always happen in adulthood. However, science has proven that songs beginning with 60 bpm (that’s beats per minute) and slowing to 50bpm help listeners relax. Why? Because the beats per minute in the songs match our heart rate when we fall asleep. So, on the nights when your to-do list keeps growing at a rapid pace, or counting sheep doesn’t stop the worry and fear racing through your mind, turn on a playlist custom designed to send you to sleepytown. Focus on the music and not on all of your other worries.  

For more suggestions on how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, contact us!