How to Counteract the #1 Love Killer

When the “honeymoon” phase of a relationship has come and gone, a regular complaint from both men and women is that their sex life takes a hit. What starts with regular, spontaneous intimacy may slowly morph into less frequent encounters, or even a dry spell. In any committed relationship, intimacy ebbs and flows, depending on what is going on in one (or both) partner’s life at the time. How good are you at spotting the biggest love killer and do you know how to counteract it?

Men and women alike claim that exhaustion, busyness of life, physical pain, kids in the house, or laziness contribute to their lack of sexual desire. However, the number one love killer is stress. Fortunately, massage is a secret weapon ready at your disposal.

Whether you schedule regular massage appointments from a licensed therapist, or you and your partner give one another a massage at home, your body (and your sex life) will greatly benefit, and here’s why.  

Stress has many negative effects including:
-depression and anxiety,
-cardiovascular disease,
-physical pain, and
-decreased sexual desire.

It is difficult to feel aroused when you are under stress. Massage naturally elevates one’s mood and is a holistic way to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. As the body is massaged, there is an increase of oxygen in the blood, which releases serotonin and oxytocin, the feel-good hormones that help to keep us happy and relaxed.

Regular massage helps the body naturally heal more quickly, eliminating pain. When not focused on physical pain, a person is able to be more present, thoughtful, playful, relaxed, and sensual. ICYMI, those are key components to a healthy sexual relationship.

If the greatest love killer has crept into your home, eradicate it by incorporating regular massage in your self-care routine. You can talk with your massage therapist about what type of massage and essential oil is best to manage your stress, or you and your partner can massage each other.

To create a spa-like atmosphere in your home, Here are a few tips:

1. Soften the lighting by using candles or low wattage light bulbs
2. Play soothing music
3. Remember to warm up your hands before you begin to work
4. Use your favorite essential oils in order to avoid friction
5. Communicate with one another about the pressure used during massage

It is important to remember that just as every relationship is different, every body is different. While you may love a deep tissue massage, your partner may find it uncomfortable and prefer a Swedish massage. Likewise, if you are trying to create a romantic and peaceful atmosphere, make sure you agree on which essential oils to use and choose scents that are pleasing to both of you.

For more questions on choosing the best type of massage when under stress or for help choosing essential oils best for you, contact us.

10 Things You Need to Know About Massage

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I am passionate about helping people feel good in their bodies. I want to share what I know so others can achieve balance in their minds, bodies, and spirits. I came up with a list of 10 things, I think everyone should know about massage.

First, here are five unusual benefits to massage.

1. Massage Eases Tension Headaches
Many people, particularly those who are over stressed, suffer from tension headaches. Before you reach for the bottle of Tylenol, consider a holistic approach to easing your pain: massage. Neck tension restricts blood flow to the brain, which will lead to headaches.

2. Regular Massage Relieves PMS Symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome is a natural part of a woman’s life. Some of us have a more difficult time with it than others; however, massage is a key ingredient to alleviating aggravating symptoms.

3. Massage Reduces Muscle Tension
Our bodies aren’t meant to be sedentary for 8, 9, or 10+ hours a day. The average American sits shoulders rolled forward as they pound away on a keyboard all day. The repetitive improper posture negatively impacts muscles causing tension, aches, and pain. Massage helps to elongate those muscles and restore them to health.

4. Therapists May Help Spot Skin Cancer
Therapists see the back of you for extended periods of time. For example, you likely do not stare at the back of your legs or your lower back.  For clients who get regular massages, a therapist may be able to identify changes in the skin.

5. Massage Aids Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be caused by issues in the hips, legs, or abdomen. Massage helps to alleviate pain when key areas are targeted. Additionally, if there is tightness in the lower back, a therapist may ask you to lay flat so they can examine if one hip is higher than the other, that can be the source of the pain.

Now that you know more incredible benefits of massage, here are five things to remember during a massage.

1. You’re the Boss of Your Body
You can stop a massage any time for any reason. You may experience discomfort and ask the therapist not to massage that area or you may discover a pain you didn’t know was there and ask the therapist to linger there a while longer, whatever the reason, don’t be afraid to speak up. Please, please remember it is especially important to stop the massage if you feel unsafe.

2. It’s Okay to Fall Asleep
Massage promotes relaxation. In your everyday life, you’d be considered quite rude if you fell asleep during a wellness appointment, but that is not the case in massage therapy. It’s actually a lovely compliment to the therapist because it shows you are relaxed, comfortable, and the massage is working.

3. Bodily Noises Aren’t Uncommon
Massage stimulates blood flow throughout the entire body. It helps aid digestion and the lymphatic drainage system. Your stomach may gurgle or growl or make other funny noises. It shouldn’t be embarrassing and prevent you from continuing to reap the relaxing benefits of massage. It’s simply your body’s way of releasing toxins and relaxing.

4. Occasional Groaning Happens
When a client has a particularly tight muscle being worked out, it is common to give a soft moan or groan here or there. As long as you aren’t too over the top, it isn’t an issue.

5. Health History Matters
It’s important to be honest with your therapist about your health history. Your therapist isn’t trying to pry into your personal life so they can gossip about it later, there are medical conditions that change the course of treatment. The goal of massage is to serve you and restore your body to a balanced, healthy state. Honest, friends, is always the best policy.  

For more benefits and things to remember about massage, contact us.

Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful.

When I began my blog, I hoped to educate and encourage my readers about massage, self-care, essential oils, and really, all the natural tools available to us for a healthful lifestyle. I believe Miracles Massage is different from some other massage establishments because of my commitment to my clients’ health and my passion for sharing my knowledge gained as a therapist, as well as my studies at Baltimore School of Massage.

Let’s uncover why I’m different from other therapists, and more importantly, why I believe regular massage is beneficial to your health.

1. Thoughtful Intention in Every Massage
I really like to focus on the aspect of healing. I try to spread love and gratitude to other people. As I work on my clients, I put a real intention into each massage with the hopes that they leave my session feeling great, grateful, healthy, relaxed, and happy. Therefore, their next transaction with another human will be a positive one. I put a lot of intention in my messages so that the ripple effect of the good feelings acquired during massage will go out to other people in future interactions. I do a lot of meditation on being the catalyst for the betterment of mankind through my massage.

2. Healing Through Touch is Real
I am a true believer in the healing art through touch. Massage stimulates brain activity and growth in babies. For example, using a gentle circular technique to massage their head. Studies also show the difference between newborns who are cuddled and those who are not touched. The cuddled babies really thrived and the ones who weren’t touched, in some cases, had a failure to thrive so there’s onus in scientific-proven studies. I’ve seen it through my own work, so I’m a real true believer of healing through massage.

3. Stress is a Catalyst for Dis-ease
Too much stress is terrible for the body. Whether you are financially, emotionally, or physically stressed, you are putting yourself at risk for a host of health problems. Reducing your stress will reduce the chance of getting some diseases like cancer, as well as dis-ease, which can be related to poor posture.

4. Regular Exercise, Self Care, and Diet Preserve Our Bodies
I believe that our bodies self heal and that we walk around in our own little healing machines. Many people don’t realize they are in pain until massage releases the tension they were holding. When supported by regular exercise, continuous self care, and a healthful diet, our bodies can withstand the natural progression of age better and longer.

5. Massage Supports Better Immune Systems
Our immune systems can become strengthened. Blood can become stagnant, which we call knots. It’s really congestion of any certain place of muscles. Moving blood will help to get rid of garbage blood, through designated drainage areas.

6. Massage is Custom Designed for YOUR Health Needs
I want my clients to feel better. We all live with this underlying pain and we think it’s normal, but it’s not. Regular massage restores the body to balance. I listen to my clients’ needs when they come in and then as I work on them, I also adjust to what their body tells me. The goal is for my clients to feel at ease, lighter, taller, and more like the best version of themselves.

I think we all should be concerned with our health. It’s probably not the most popular thing to do right now because we’re so busy working or running from here to there. A regular self-care routine in our lives is very beneficial. It includes massage, of course, but also exercise, a healthful diet, and even keeping our thoughts positive.

If you have questions on the benefits of massage or how massage therapy can benefit your individual needs, contact us, today!

What is The Most Misunderstood Love Language?

Often the most misunderstood love language in Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages is receiving gifts. Make no mistake, friends, those who prefer receiving gifts as a way to experience love should not be confused with people who are materialistic. Quite the opposite, actually. Let’s explore, together, why.

Unlike materialistic people, those who prefer to receive gifts as an expression of love are less interested in the gift itself, than they are the thought behind the gift. It doesn’t matter if the gift is wildly expensive or doesn’t cost a penny, what matters is that it was given to the person with them specifically in mind. They are just as concerned with the WHY of your gift as the actual gift. It shows that you are paying attention to their needs and desires. You could say, “I love you” all day long, but it won’t mean as much as when you give them a physical reminder that they are your number one.  

The gifts you give to your S.O. will be most appreciated if they show that you are listening to your partner. For example, if your special someone tells you they dropped and shattered their favorite coffee mug getting out of the car in the office parking lot, surprise them with new one when they arrive home from work. If your partner has a recurring injury or is in desperate need of relaxation, schedule a massage for them. Amaze them with the benefits of cupping massage! A gift certificate for one of these massages is sure to score you big points!

People who prefer receiving gifts want a tangible reminder that they are on your mind. They feel loved and cherished when you give them a physical symbol of your love and devotion.  

Things to remember for people who prefer receiving gifts as their love language:

1. Gifts do not need to be a financial investment; instead, they are an emotional one.
2. Thoughtful gifts should be tailored to your S.O.’s personality to show how well you know them and want them to be happy.

For more suggestions on how to shower your S.O. with gifts of love, contact us. Don’t forget, our wellness store has lots of goodies they will appreciate too!

3 Ideas on How To Be Generous With Yourself

Busy people often put their self care last on their list of to-do items. It is something that can be viewed as a luxury, and only completed if all the other items are crossed off of their list. It comes as no surprise that entrepreneurs, business owners, and parents put in long hours, finding little time to care for themselves. Are you one of these people?

Remember, especially during the bustling holiday season, if you don’t take care of yourself properly, you are inviting illness, stress, and fatigue into your home. We’ve come up with three ideas on how to be generous with yourself to ensure you are operating at full capacity through the new year.

1. Soak in a Himalayan Salt Bath
Salt baths are excellent for helping to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss. Himalayan salt is known to help balance hormones, boost immunity, and regulate blood pressure.

Short on time? No problem, you don’t need to cram an appointment at the spa into your already packed schedule. You can experience all the benefits of a luxurious bath in the comforts of your own home. After you put the kids in bed, respond to emails, wrap presents, or prep for your morning meeting, draw yourself a bath and add Himalayan salt to it. Make sure to keep the water at body temperature to fully experience the work of the salts.

2. Mix it Up with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy uses concentrated essential oils in a variety of ways to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit while promoting health and providing balance. By knowing which essential oils to use and how to properly blend them, you can experience their healing properties to the fullest.

When putting the oils in a diffuser, you take in the aromas that send messages to your nervous system and the part of your brain that controls emotions. When mixing the concentrated essential oils with a base oil, you can apply them topically, allowing your skin to absorb them.

3. Experience a Massage
Whether you go to Miracles Massage to experience one of our custom designed massages, or have your partner give you a gentle rub down at home, treat yourself to the benefits of massage.

Need a little reminder on some of those incredible benefits? Massage is known to:

  • relieve pain and stress,
  • aid depression and anxiety,
  • boost immunity,
  • soothe migraines,
  • ease menstrual cramping and PMS, and
  • improve sleep.

It is very common, especially around the holidays, for people to focus on everyone and everything around them except for themselves. We are in a perpetual giving mode, yet we forget to give a little generosity, warmth, and kindness to ourselves. Don’t forget to give yourself the gift of relaxation and tranquility.    

For more ways on how to be generous with yourself or suggestions for aromatherapy that might be right for you, contact us today!

Myth Buster: Why Massage Isn’t a Luxury

Many people believe that massage is a luxury afforded only to those with a disposable income. It’s for people who want to give themselves a day of pampering, or it is a treat rather than a necessity. Spoiler alert: these people are wrong!

Massage is a tool, supported by research, that can aid the body in dealing with an assortment of medical conditions like:

  • muscle pain,
  • anxiety,
  • circulatory issues,
  • insomnia, and
  • emotional distress.

Massage therapy is also often used in conjunction with a medical treatment plan for people recovering from heart surgeries and cancer treatments. It is not simply a luxury, but rather a golden ticket to a comprehensive health regimen.

The magic of massage is known to provide incredible benefits, which is why it is important to debunk the illusion that massage is a luxury. Most people would agree that the key to a healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition and a regular exercise program. It can also be argued that frequent massage should not be a once in awhile thing, but rather a regular part of your routine, same as a gym membership.

We are constantly peppered with messages on television, radio, and social media about healthy food options and new exercise crazes. Additionally, when we exercise we see and feel the effects of working our bodies. Massage is a little different because it is not talked about as much. Physical touch does a world of good inside our bodies. It releases feel-good endorphins, it helps the blood flow more easily through the body, and it helps with lymphatic drainage. It is an incredible resource.

Additionally, something you may not know is that your doctor can approve massage for insurance coverage if you have a medical need. Yes, it’s true. Some insurance programs recognize the critical value of a massage in a person’s wellness plan and are willing to pick up some of the tab.

Properly caring for yourself and effectively approaching your healthcare through massage should not be viewed as a luxury, but rather a necessity. Whether your medical concerns are great or small, you should not consider caring for yourself as an indulgence.

If you want to learn more about how to design a healthy lifestyle overhaul by incorporating massage, essential oils, and mindfulness into your regular routine, contact us for suggestions.