One Simple Trick to Unlock Enhanced Massage Benefits

Are you ready to step into a holistic approach to heal and restore your body during and after massage? Good. Let’s get started on how to take action to enhance the incredible benefits your body will experience from your next massage.

In massage therapy, you have to trust both what medical science has proven (anatomy and physiology), as well as your personal intuition. When your body is fully relaxed, it will speak to you by revealing areas of pain or weakness. I’m not talking about that throbbing back pain or your aggravated chronic sports injury, I am talking about the pain and discomfort that lies deep within your tissues. It isn’t until the rest of your world is silenced that it begins to announce its presence and the subtle ways it has been negatively affecting your daily life.

The key ingredient you may be missing in your normal routine is a mindful massage. Employing this technique requires you to combine meditation, controlled breathing, and focused intentions during your massage. At the beginning of your massage, you should talk with your therapist about what your desired outcome is for this experience. Once you have settled on a clear vision, your therapist can begin her work and the rest is up to you.

What do I do?

1. Lose the Drama, Mama
The hardest part of succumbing to a mindful massage is disengaging from the thoughts that enter our minds. There is a misconception that during meditation your mind is supposed to go blank. Unless you fall into a deep sleep, thoughts will enter your mind during your massage. The trick is to not engage in them, allowing emotion to pull you in and distract you from staying in the present moment. Do your best to forget about the outside world containing carpools, college application deadlines, new drivers behind the wheel, or the business meeting when things went sideways.

2. Try and Try Again To Keep Your Focus
Keep focused on what is going on in the present moment. Pay attention to your therapist’s touch and how your sore or aching muscles respond to the knots that are slowing being released. If your therapist triggers a pain point, breathe through it rather than imagining you are somewhere else. Take deep intentional breaths as your body begins the self healing process from the stimulation of blood flow. Take heart, friend, your mind will wander, but gently remind yourself to regain your focus each time you catch yourself drifting.

You may be asking why it is helpful to mindfully meditate during your massage. By focusing your thoughts and intentions on your body during massage, you are working to treat your ‘whole person’ for the long haul, rather than simply troubleshooting your immediate discomfort. You may discover you hold tension in your shoulders, neck, or hips from lengthy computer work. By identifying the source of your tension, you will be more mindful of your posture or other ways you carry yourself during the day.

Knowledge is power, we can all agree, so be empowered by knowing what is causing your discomfort, pain, stress, or tension. For more tips and tricks on how to make the most of a mindful massage, contact us!

5 Tips to Restore Balanced Harmony

Creating a balance of the body, mind, and spirit can be difficult if you are not mindfully aware of what is going on around you, the people who influence your energy field, and the way in which you deal with negativity as it arises.

Think about the different aspects of your life- home, work, family, and other relationships. From time-to-time have you found yourself in a rut? Do you ever feel like you are in a downward cycle? No matter how hard you try, you can’t pull yourself out of it?   

The energy we carry with us combines our past, our dominant thoughts, and our perception of the world around us. As you navigate your way through the world, remember that you have the power to change your personal energy and the energy in the space around you. (Hello, and welcome smudging!)

Over the past year, I have written several blogs giving examples of the causes of negative energy and solutions on how to guard yourself against it. Here is a collection of my favorites in one handy post to help you as you work toward removing negative energy from your life and restoring balanced harmony.    

1. The Gender Wars: How Men and Women Manage Energy Differently
In order to effectively manage negative energy, it is necessary to understand from where our energy comes, and how the sexes deal with it in different ways. How you deal with negative energy may not be the same as your partner, boss, or colleague. It is important to remember our energy comes from four wellsprings: body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Learn how to ensure your four wellsprings are in balance. Read more…

2. The Art of a Reiki Massage
Reiki is an ancient practice with incredible health benefits. It is a wonderful way to restore balance to the body’s energy level while increasing its self-healing ability. The positively charged energy from your therapist’s hands will transfer to your body, allowing the therapist to free unbalanced energy to flow within your body. Learn how Reiki will add a little zing to your massage experience. Read More…

3. How Playlists Will Improve Your Mindfulness
Sometimes we look to music to boost our energy level, get us psyched up for a fun night out, keep us motivated during a workout, calm heightened anxiety levels, or even soothe our interrupted sleep. Music has the ability to change the energy we possess when we mindfully focus on it. There are three perks for using music through mindful playlists and there are three playlists you should have on the ready for when life comes on a bit too strong. Read more…

4. Mastering Mindfulness
To achieve peace and joy within yourself you have to be mindful in your daily life, focusing on the positive and avoiding all the ways negative energy can creep into your psyche. This post gives you 10 actionable items to ensure you are staying focused and are aware of negative influences. Read More…

5. It’s a New Day, Stay Mindful ALL Year Long
Just because we are approaching May, doesn’t mean you can’t make a year-long commitment to focusing on a positive new you. You can take steps to combat negative energy, be present, and positively charged on a Wednesday in April, May, or October! Explore how to release negative energy, and how to find ways to release that negative energy in your life. Read More…

If you are looking for more ways to remove negative energy from your life and replace it with balanced harmony, contact us! Also, ask about which essential oils may help your specific needs.

3 Mindful Tips for Words of Affirmation Lovers

When do you feel most loved by your significant other? Can you pinpoint specific times, instances, or scenes where love seems to surround you? In this blog series, we are exploring how different people respond to and feel love. Knowing which of the 5 Love Languages your partner prefers ensures that you communicate your feelings in ways that speak loudest and most effectively to your special someone.

Even as small children, we develop our preferences of how we experience love. A child shouting from the playground, “Mommy, watch me!” or “Watch what I can do, Daddy!” is likely going to be the adult who values words of affirmation from their spouse. They feel secure and loved when someone verbally compliments and praises their efforts. They thrive on encouraging words when they are feeling unsteady. It gives them renewed strength when someone they love and admire affirms their abilities.

Here are three tips on how to show your love and adoration for your words of affirmation lover.

Say it Loud, Say it Proud
1. People whose primary love language is words of affirmation treasure the verbalization of feelings for not only them but the world to hear. They find comfort in frequent positive reinforcement.  “I love you”, “I am proud of you”, “you are doing a great job” speaks directly to their heart. Tell them often how much they mean to you and how special they are in all areas of their life.

2. Take Pen to Paper (or Fingers to Screens)
Unexpected love notes in the form of text messages, post-it notes on lunches, or cards in the mail are greatly appreciated. It doesn’t have to be much, but a simple acknowledgment of love and adoration goes a long way. Whether you write them handwritten notes or send an email from work, just remind them of how incredible you think they are as often as you can.

3. Be Mindful in Your Speech
If your partner prefers you to communicate your love for them through words of affirmation, it is important to be mindful of how you speak to them. For example, non-constructive criticism can be confusing, and undue criticism can be damaging to not only your relationship but also to the person. Your S.O. appreciates gentle tones to show respect and compassion. Emotionally harsh words spoken in loud tones can cause them to feel inadequate and unloved. Be thoughtful in how you speak to them.

It is important to mindfully think about your partner. You know them best. Look for their areas of insecurity and find ways to positively reinforce them. Find verbal and written ways to lift them up not just in times of stress or sadness, but always.

For more suggestions on how to mindfully affirm a Words of Affirmation lover, contact us!

5 Steps to a Mindful New Year

It’s a glorious new year filled with endless possibilities. We each have the opportunity to mindfully focus on the person we are at present and make a pact with ourselves to keep that present person focused and positively charged. Will it be easy? Yes, it can be with five easy steps to help keep you balanced.

Step 1: Choose Simplicity
The very first step to a mindful new you is to rid yourself of excess. You must thoughtfully choose to live more simply. While it sounds easy, you have to be sure you are ready for what that means.

Many of us carry unnecessary burdens around each day. We overextend ourselves. Our “downtime” is watching television while simultaneously responding to emails and checking social media accounts. We opt for packing our schedules full of social obligations or business meetings to get ahead, or worse, to ensure we are doing what everyone else is doing.

Choosing simplicity means thoughtfully giving these norms up and focusing only on what will bring you light and fulfillment. It means turning your attention to what your body craves. It means silencing the noise that surrounds you day after day.

Step 2: Establish Bodily Awareness
Your body is the hub of all communication. Listen to what it is telling you. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, spend a few moments reflecting on what you can do for your body that day. It may be as simple as doing a few breathing exercises, or as great as seeking counsel on a tender spot, mark, or lump you have been ignoring. Spend a few moments focusing your mind on each part of your body. Let your thoughts linger. Begin with you toes, then your ankles, etc. work your way up to your head, feeling each point of your body and addressing any aches and pains that may arise.      

Step 3: Release Negative Energy
Negative energy can work a number on you mentally and physically. When we harbor stress, it can cause a number of problems. Find a way to release that stress. Choose a meaningful outlet for yourself like physical exercise, massage, yoga, soaking in a salt bath, whatever will help you rid yourself of the toxic energy that consumes you.

Step 4: Consult Mindfulness Tools
Often with each new year, we start strong on our intentions and slowly wane with each passing day. Find tools specific to your passions to help keep you on track. Use an app on your phone or listen to a podcast. Try journaling for a few minutes a day to remind yourself why you chose to be more mindful. Find something that works for you and keeps you focused on your inner goals.

Step 5: Accept Your Mindful or Mindless Self
While we all have great aspirations for change, slip ups will probably happen. That is okay! Give yourself the gift of acceptance. Know that you will backslide a few times throughout the course of the year, but it is never too late to try again. At any point in your journey you can refocus your thoughts and put in place reasonable actions that will get you back on track. Also keep in mind, you will likely need to reevaluate your original course throughout the year and make adjustments as you conquer some areas.

For more suggestions on how to have a mindful new year, contact us today!

Why You Should Set Mindful Intentions This New Year

Cue your inner movie player and picture a scene when the ball drops and Auld Lang Syne plays softly in the background. We’re meant to cling to our loved ones, reminiscing about days gone by as we clink a little bubbly. Each shared kiss, although it may not begin with Kay, represents hope of what is to come in the year ahead. Hope of something the preceding year did not grant us.


The hope for the new year tends to bring resolutions that more often than not, don’t make it through January. We make resolutions because we know we want to make a change of some sort and we try to hold ourselves to it. This year, instead of making a resolution you are likely to scrap in a few weeks, we invite you to set mindful intentions.

What does that mean?
To set a mindful intention, you should first think about your desired outcome. What do you hope to achieve? Think it through to the finish. Use your senses as you reflect on it. What does the outcome look like, sound like, taste like, smell like, or feel like? Now develop it a little more. What steps do you need to take to achieve the outcome? Make sure to leave yourself some wiggle room as your desired outcome may take twists and turns you didn’t anticipate.

Say What?
Okay, let’s start with a typical New Year’s Resolution: exercise more. Have you ever noticed how the gym is packed in the first few weeks of January and then it levels off? People get tired of their resolution if it isn’t rooted in something deeper.

Making a Mindful Intention Instead of a Resolution
Another approach would be to think about why you want to exercise more. Do you want to lose weight? Lower your blood pressure? Look incredible in a bathing suit? Without a clear idea of why you make a random resolution, you are unlikely to achieve it.   

Big Picture Equals Big Success
Perhaps your intention begins with wanting to take better care of yourself. What does that look like for you? It may include going to the gym three times a week so you can lower your blood pressure. It may also include a more healthful diet and establishing a better self-care plan.

By looking at the whole picture you can mindfully make decisions and evaluate your intention day-by-day or week-by-week. Say, for instance, you twist your ankle and are unable to go to the gym three times a week as originally planned. You can still work on lowering your blood pressure by focusing on a healthy meal plan, managing your stress level, and finding an exercise program with a lot of floor work until your ankle heals. 

As you set your mindful intentions, remember to stay positive, allow yourself flexibility, and remember to focus on where you hope to end up in December 2018.

If you want to learn more about setting mindful intentions, contact us today!

25 Ways to Express Gratitude Anytime

November sparks the feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the people and things in our lives, more so than any other time of year. While this season of giving reminds us to be thankful, we don’t have to limit ourselves to sharing our feelings once a year. It is something that should be a part of our everyday life. Showing your appreciation for someone doesn’t need to be a big production. It can be as simple as saying ‘thank you’.

Not sure where to start? Here are 25 thoughtful ways to express your gratitude through simple kindness any time.

1. Email or text your significant other telling them why they’re so dreamy.
2. Tell someone who deserves it all the reasons you value them.
3. Send a note through the postal mail, just because.
4. Give a busy friend a night off and make them a meal.
5. Take a bottle of wine to your bestie’s house and have an impromptu laughfest.
6. Give genuine compliments.
7. Be a generous tipper next time you go out to eat.
8. Send flowers to someone who needs a little pick-me-up.
9. Give your sick buddy a basket filled with supplies like chicken noodle soup, orange juice, kleenex, and cough medicine.
10. Leave an assortment of essential oils on the desk of a stressed-out coworker (ask us for suggestions!)
11. Give to your favorite charity in honor of someone you love.
12. Pay it forward for the teenage boy at the gas pump searching for loose change in his car.
13. Offer to take a picture for a group of friends.
14. Encourage someone who feels like they are failing.
15. Play yet another round in a game with a small child even when you tire of it.
16. Thank a teammate for their part in a project.
17. Kiss your partner like you mean it.
18. Rake your neighbor’s leaves.
19. Invite a someone who recently lost a spouse over for dinner.
20. Help an older person with their groceries.
21. Slip your child’s teacher a $5 gift card.
22. Write a thank you note to your local police and fire stations. (Where would we be without them?)
23. Give encouraging words to the weary-looking mother of multiple children trying to get through the grocery store or Target.
24. Compliment you HOA representatives for caring so much about your community.
25. Give the gift of massage to someone who could use a little relaxation time.

After reading this list, have you noticed it is hard to separate being grateful and sharing kindness with others? Us too. When you stop to think about all the love and joy in your own life, it’s hard not to want to share that with others, making them feel a similar kind of happiness. So don’t save your cheer for the holidays, spread it every day.

For more ideas on how to express gratitude, contact us today!

The Gender Wars: How to Effectively Manage Energy

The average family life includes two working partners juggling workplace demands with household chores, homework management, shuffling sports schedules, and oh, yeah, working on the important relationships in our lives. What’s the problem?

These long hours and the daily stress of it all takes a toll on our bodies if we are not mindful in our approach of balancing the components to our day. Men and women alike feel negative energy, but how they experience it is completely different.

By being more mindful in your approach to negative energy, you can not only karate chop it right out of your way, but also gain valuable insight into what is happening in your partner’s world.

So what do we know?

Ladies, First

  • For most women, the worst stress they experience is a threat to their relationships.
  • Women tend to put themselves last by sacrificing their own needs for that of others.
  • When seeking comfort, women lower their anxiety levels by talking out their problems and frustrations.
  • Women have a stronger sense of empathy. They try to better understand another person’s perspective when facing conflict.

The Gents

  • Men take a more fight or flight approach to stress and negative energy.
  • Fellas tend to seek escape to get away from their stressors.
  • Many men are highly competitive, by nature, so they may opt for a quick pickup game to work out their frustrations and boost their self-esteem.

What’s This About Energy?

Energy comes from four wellsprings within the human body.

1. Body
This is your physical energy.
*Poor sleeping habits, inadequate nutrition, and lack of exercise are a few reasons your bodily energy gets out of alignment.

2. Emotions
This is how you experience life and relate to others using your five senses.

3. Mind
This is the difference between confusion and understanding. Your mental energy focuses on thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and values. It’s how you process and reason.

4. Spirit
This is how you determine your sense of being and belonging.

Put Them Together

Think about the four aspects of energy in relation to yourself. Which area have you developed well and what needs improvement? How might you make an adjustment to get your four wellsprings back in balance?

Next, look at your partner and make the same assessment. Knowing how the opposite sex handles stress may give you a little insight into taking steps to mindfully engage with them as you work together to manage negative energy.

Here are three suggestions to avoid energy-depleting behaviors.

1. Set boundaries
When faced with negative energy, pay special attention to how it affects you. Set up boundaries that make you feel comfortable and be sure to respect them. It’s easy to make exceptions and bend a little, but not if it is going to negatively impact your personal balance.

2. Don’t overanalyze
You might try to make sense of a situation or a conversation when nothing fruitful will come of it. Don’t allow yourself to get emotionally wrecked when it is simply a difference of gender behavior.

3. Choose your battles
There are times you will simply have to walk away and realize the person of the opposite sex is handling their negative energy as best they can. You must not allow it to disrupt yours, but by being mindful, you could help them achieve their harmony.

For more suggestions on how to achieve balance or to learn how you may incorporate aromatherapy in your energy management, contact us!

10 Secrets of Mastering Mindfulness Exposed

The goal of being mindful is to achieve peace and joy within yourself. How might you obtain this calm and clear state of mind? We’ve come up with a list of 10 actionable items that you can easily tackle in your everyday life.

Get these guys down, and you will be a master in mindfulness.

1. Intentionally Breathe
You might think this one should be labeled “mindfulness for dummies”, but many people take it for granted. You can do it anywhere at any time, but do you? Step One: breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Step Two: focus on your breathing and the calm rhythm of your chest rising and falling.

ProTip: For those of you who may be new to breathing exercises, one full minute of mindful breathing may seem like an hour. Start slowly by focusing your breathing for a minute or two and work your way up.

2. Monitor Daily Media Diets
Be conscious of what you see and hear. It might seem harmless, at first, but negativity has a way of creeping into our unsuspecting psyches. If you are not mindful, those guilty-pleasure television shows could impact your outlook.

3. Keenly Observe
Take time to actually notice the world around you. Really. Go outside and take a look. Notice the flowers, the squirrels chasing each other around a tree. Take a few moments to watch children engaged in their imaginative play as tree stumps become castles and sticks become mighty swords. Feel your body physically relax as you watch your surroundings.

4. Actively Listen
Close your eye so you mindfully rely on your hearing to tell you what is going on around you. Listen to leaves rustling in the wind, jets flying overhead, cars zooming by, birds singing a morning tune. When you are in conversation with others, don’t be tempted to think about your next response, but rather linger in what they are saying to you.

5. Turn Off Autopilot
As you go through your day, it is easy to breeze through mundane tasks to check off lists as quickly as possible. Experience the moment you are in… Right. This. Second. How do you feel? What do you see, hear, smell, taste? Be present in the moment and relish this exact time in your life. Be aware of every movement.

6. Attempt to Unitask
Let’s face it, multitasking is all the rage (and has been for a very long time), but it can be overrated. Who can fully experience life when they are juggling 15 plates in the air? Did you know that it takes 50% longer to accomplish a task when you are interrupted? Yup. Focus on one important thing at a time and mindfully engage with it.

7. Appreciate the Underappreciated
Show your appreciation generously to the little things in your life that you might otherwise gloss over. Think about all the elements needed to complete a simple task. We live in a very privileged society. Take a few moments to think about how the seemingly insignificant things in your day are actually game changers- like electricity, running water, and the internet.

8. Drop Calls/Smartphones
Technology has reshaped the way we communicate. There’s no doubt about it, it has incredible benefits. The downside, however, is that personal relationships can be negatively impacted, particularly when families are too busy looking down at smartphones to look into the eyes of loved ones. Set parameters around your viewing time so you have plenty of time to connect with your special people.

9. Seek Adventure
When people let go of what is comfortable they experience a form of fear. This emotion awakens a new sense within requiring a new mental balance. This form of fear heightens your conscious state of awareness forcing you to be mindful. Try it.

10. Have Fun
Think about the last time you laughed. Can you remember what amused you? Laughing helps the body relax and cope with the ups and downs of life. Enjoy the sound of your own laughter and gravitate to people, music, and media that makes you forget the troubles you face.

Looking for more ways to approach life mindfully? Contact us for extra tips and tricks that will help you achieve harmony.

The Secret to Mindfulness for the Holidays

Source: Adobe Stock

As the holidays approach, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement and overwhelm. We tend to place very high expectations on holidays and vacations. It’s supposed to be a time for rest, relaxation, and connectedness. However, for many, it causes pain, drama, and resentment. Don’t fall victim to this common problem, instead, make the holidays enjoyable and stress-free.

Are you someone who experiences a holiday burn out rather than the refreshed, reinvigorated, and rebalanced state of being you were striving to achieve? (Shock Alert: We all do it sometimes!) It is time to reveal the secret to living a pleasant, joyful, and present life with just six easy and totally manageable tips. Stick with us, and you’ll be achieving the bliss of mindfulness that you long to obtain this holiday season- and beyond.

1. Have Meaningful Conversations
Fight the natural urge to speak about yourself, what is going on in your world, your likes, dislikes, political views, you get the idea. Many of us can be a bit narcissistic, at times. As we try harder to be more mindful, it is important to truly listen to what others are telling us. We can do this by avoiding our tendencies to interrupt, interject, and even overshadow our loved ones’ experiences. Listen to what they have to say instead of allowing your mind to wander with your next response. You will feel calmer and they will feel valued.

2. Dwell on the Positive

Source: Adobe Stock

Reflect on all of the positive things in your life. Practice by closing your eyes and making a mental list of everything in your life that makes you happy. Think about the people, opportunities, and gifts for which you are grateful. If you are a person who needs to see it to believe it, challenge yourself to a game of #100happydays. Post a photo on Facebook, Instagram, or your favorite social media site to highlight one thing that makes you happy each day for 100 days. It makes for a hard argument when you are feeling blue and then look back at all the positive people, places, and things in your life.

3. Pay Full Attention to the Food
Holidays are filled with glorious food to delight our taste buds but sometimes we forget to fully enjoy them. It is very easy as we race from the homes of different relatives on opposite sides of the family to scarf down food without really experiencing it. Be mindful by paying close attention to your senses. Look at the food that has been prepared for you and take note of the way it looks, smells, feels, and tastes. You won’t be sorry!

4. Don’t Rehash Old Drama
It’s bad for your health to hold on to grudges. If you decided to forgive and move on, do it! Let go of your ill feelings and accept your family for who they are right now, not who they were back when. A costly mistake is blaming our friends and family for not showing up the way we want them to. There comes a point where you have to accept them for who they are. Namaste, people.

5. Be at Rest
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with getting a little shut eye. Power naps are proven to help recharge us physically, mentally, and emotionally. We all get grumpy when we are tired. The holidays bring a long list of preparations that can leave the best of us exhausted. We can tackle obstacles to our day with much more grace and dignity when we are rested. Additionally, you can practice mindfulness amidst the chaos. Take five minutes to sit down, close your eyes and listen to the mayhem around you. Listen for children giggling, dishes clanging in the kitchen, grandpa snoring as the ballgame is blaring on the television. These are the moments that you will want to remember.

6. Break out the Diffuser
Everyone benefits from a little aromatherapy. Find a scent that will create the atmosphere you want. Put it in a diffuser and let the essential oils do their job.

Not sure what essential oils would be best for your holiday? Contact us today and we will help you choose something that is right for you and your family.